Recently Asked Nuclear Engineering Objective Questions In Competitive’s Part – 2
Q – 101 Pick out the wrong statement.
A. Isotopes have the same number of protons & electrons, but different number of neutrons.
B. Hydrogen has two isotopes.
C. In ordinary hydrogen, 1H1 and 1H2 are present in the ratio 6400:1.
D. none of these.
Ans- Option B
Q – 102 Nucleus of 92U235 contains __________ protons.
A. 92
B. 235
C. 143
D. 325
Ans- Option A
Q – 103 Safety rods provided in nuclear reactors to guard against accidents, in case of earthquake are made of
A. high carbon steel.
B. molybdenum.
C. zircalloy.
D. boron or cadmium.
Ans- Option D
Q – 104 Percentage of heavy water in ordinary water is around
A. 0.015
B. 7.54
C. 0.71
D. 32.97
Ans- Option A
Q – 105 Which of the following undergoes fission reaction easily?
A. U-235
B. U-238
C. Th-232
D. none of these
Ans- Option A
Q – 106 Pick out the wrong statement.
A. α-particle emission from a radioactive element makes it electrically negative.
B. β-particle emission from a radioactive element makes it electrically positive.
C. A radioactive element having a half life period of 20 years will completely disintegrated in 40 years.
D. The disintegration constant of a radioactive isotope is independent of pressure, temperature or concentration.
Ans- Option C
Q – 107 One ‘amu’ is equivalent to
A. 9.31 Mev
B. 931 eV
C. 931 MeV
D. 931 J
Ans- Option C
Q – 108 Unit of radioactivity is
A. barn
B. Fermi
C. Angstrom
D. Curie
Ans- Option D
Q – 109 The half life period of a radioactive element depends upon the
A. temperature
B. pressure
C. amount of element present
D. none of these
Ans- Option D
Q – 110 Indian monazite sand contains __________ percent thorium.
A. 10
B. 25
C. 60
D. 90
Ans- Option A
Q – 111 A radioactive substance does not emit
A. α-ray
B. proton
C. position
D. β-ray
Ans- Option B
Q – 112 Out of the following, nucleus of __________ atom contains the largest number of neutrons.
A. U-235
B. U-238
C. U-239
D. Pu-239
Ans- Option C
Q – 113 β-rays emission in radioactive disintegration is always accompanied by the emission of
A. γ-rays
B. α-rays
C. neutrons
D. none of these
Ans- Option A
Q – 114 Heavy water plant is not located at
A. Kota and Baroda
B. Talcher (Orissa)
C. Tuticorin(Tamilnadu)
D. Korba
Ans- Option D
Q – 115 Nuclear power generation capacity in India is
A. 3000 MW.
B. 10000 MW.
C. more than hydroelectric power generation capacity.
D. more than thermal power generation capacity.
Ans- Option A
Q – 116 Both tritium and deuterium have the same number of
A. neutrons
B. electrons
C. protons
D. nucleons
Ans- Option A
Q – 117 Hydrogen differs from deuterium in __________ properties.
A. radioactive
B. physical
C. chemical
D. all (a), (b) and (c)
Ans- Option B
Q – 118 Which of the following radiations is the least penetrating?
A. α-rays
B. β-rays
C. γ-rays
D. X-rays
Ans- Option A
Q – 119 The radioisotope used to study the thyroid gland is
A. iodine
B. cobalt
C. iron
D. carbon
Ans- Option A
Q – 120 Enriched uranium means that, it contains
A. more than 0.71% of U-235.
B. only fertile material.
C. only fissile material.
D. no impurities.
Ans- Option A
Q – 121 In a homogeneous nuclear reactor, the __________ are mixed together.
A. fuel & coolant
B. fuel & moderator
C. coolant & moderator
D. none of these
Ans- Option B
Q – 122 Artificially produced radioactive isotopes are used for
A. power generation.
B. treatment of certain diseases.
C. initiating nuclear fission and fusion.
D. all (a), (b) and (c).
Ans- Option B
Q – 123 Uranium percentage in monazite sand is about
A. 0.01
B. 0.25
C. 1.2
D. 7
Ans- Option B
Q – 124 Which of the following reactors is operated at high neutron flux and low power level?
A. Breeder reactor.
B. Research reactor.
C. Heterogeneous reactor.
D. Liquid metal (e.g., molten sodium) cooled reactor.
Ans- Option B
Q – 125 Uranium ore is mined & concentrated in India at
A. Jadugoda(Jharkhand)
B. Kota (Rajasthan)
C. Tuticorin (Tamilnadu)
D. Talchar (Orissa)
Ans- Option A
Q – 126 Ceramic nuclear metals compared to solid nuclear metals have
A. higher melting points.
B. low strength at high temperature.
C. more chances of radiation damage.
D. poorer corrosion resistance.
Ans- Option A
Q – 127 Heavy water has maximum density at __________ C.
A. 4
B. 11.6
C. 0
D. 18.6
Ans- Option B
Q – 128 A fast breeder reactor
A. uses natural uranium as fuel.
B. does not require a moderator.
C. both (a) and (b).
D. neither (a) nor (b).
Ans- Option B
Q – 129 Which of the following factors is the most important in the site selection for a nuclear power plant?
A. Absence of earthquake prone zone in nearby areas.
B. Abundant availability of water.
C. Remotely located from residential areas.
D. Proximity to fuel source.
Ans- Option A
Q – 130 Radioactive decay of a material involves a __________ order reaction.
A. third
B. second
C. first
D. zero
Ans- Option C
Q – 131 Nuclear reactors are provided with shield to guard against the emission of mainly __________ rays.
A. X
B. α and β
C. neutrons & gamma
D. infrared
Ans- Option C
Q – 132 Isotopes of an element have different
A. mass number
B. electronic configuration
C. nuclear charge
D. chemical properties
Ans- Option A
Q – 133 Biological shield is provided in a nuclear power reactor to protect the __________ from radiation damage.
A. fuel elements
B. operating personnels
C. walls of the reactor
D. none of these
Ans- Option B
Q – 134 Mass of a positron is same as that of a/an
A. electron
B. α-particle
C. proton
D. neutron
Ans- Option A
Q – 135 The mass number of an element is equal to the number of __________ in the nucleus.
A. electrons
B. neutrons
C. protons
D. neutrons plus protons (i.e., nucleons)
Ans- Option D
Q – 136 In the gaseous diffusion process of uranium enrichment, the natural uranium is converted into gaseous
A. uranium oxide
B. uranium hexaflouride
C. uranium carbide
D. uranium sulphate
Ans- Option B
Q – 137 Fast breeder test reactor at Kalpakkam is designed for using
A. thorium as a fertile material.
B. U-238 as a fertile material.
C. helium as a coolant.
D. uranium ore directly as a fuel.
Ans- Option A
Q – 138 Fuel for a fast breeder reactor is
A. plutonium
B. uranium
C. radium
D. neptunium
Ans- Option A
Q – 139 Number of secondary neutron emitted on fission of an atom of U-235 by slow neutron bombardment is
A. 3
B. 235
C. 200
D. 92
Ans- Option A
Q – 140 A control rod
A. should have small absorption cross-section.
B. is generally made of boron, hafnium or cadmium.
C. should have large absorption cross-section.
D. both (b) and (c).
Ans- Option D
Q – 141 Plutonium
A. is recovered from spent fuel from thermal nuclear reactor.
B. has much lower melting point (640C ) compared to thorium (1690C).
C. both (a) and (b).
D. neither (a) nor (b).
Ans- Option C
Q – 142 A fast breeder reactor employs
A. graphite as moderator.
B. water as coolant.
C. molten sodium as coolant as well as moderator.
D. U-235 as fuel.
Ans- Option D
Q – 143 Fuel for a nuclear reactor (thermal) is
A. uranium
B. plutonium
C. radium
D. none of these
Ans- Option A
Q – 144 Percentage of U-238 in natural uranium is around
A. 0.71
B. 99.29
C. 0.015
D. 29.71
Ans- Option B
Q – 145 Emission of β-particles during radioactive decay of a substance is from
A. innermost shell
B. nucleus
C. outermost shell
D. none of these
Ans- Option B
Q – 146 How many atoms are present in one gm-atom of an element?
A. 2 x 10 23
B. 6 x 10 23
C. 6 x 10 32
D. 5 x 10 5
Ans- Option B
Q – 147 Uranium ore is currently mined & concentrated at
A. Jadugoda
B. Ghatsila
C. Khetri
D. Alwaye
Ans- Option A
Q – 148 Which of the following ores contains maximum percentage of uranium?
A. Carnotite
B. Thorium.
C. Rescolite
D. Pitchblende
Ans- Option D
Q – 149 Atoms with same number of neutrons, but different number of nucleons are called
A. isotones
B. isobars
C. isotopes
D. isoters
Ans- Option A
Q – 150 Enrichment of uranium is done to increase the concentration of __________ in the natural uranium.
A. U-238
B. U-233
C. U-235
D. Pu-239
Ans- Option C
Q – 151 Thorium metal
A. resembles steel in appearance.
B. is less hard (in the range of silver).
C. is highly ductile.
D. all (a), (b) and (c).
Ans- Option D
Q – 152 Fast breeder nuclear reactors using enriched uranium as fuel may contain upto a maximum of __________ percent of U-235 (i.e. fissile material).
A. 15
B. 45
C. 65
D. 85
Ans- Option D
Q – 153 A fertile material is the one, which can be
A. converted into fissile material on absorption of neutron.
B. fissioned by slow (thermal) neutrons.
C. fissioned by fast neutrons.
D. fissioned by either slow or fast neutrons.
Ans- Option A
Q – 154 Nuclides having the same atomic numbers are termed as
A. isotopes
B. isomers
C. isotones
D. isobars
Ans- Option B
Q – 155 The most commonly used nuclear fuel in boiling water reactor is
A. enriched uranium
B. natural uranium
C. plutonium
D. monazite sand
Ans- Option A
Q – 156 Which one is radioactive in nature?
A. Helium
B. Deuterium
C. Heavy hydrogen
D. Tritium
Ans- Option D
Q – 157 __________ have the same mass number, but different nuclear charge.
A. Isotopes
B. Isobars
C. Isotones
D. none of these
Ans- Option B
Q – 158 The half life period of a radioactive element depends on its
A. temperature
B. pressure
C. amount
D. none of these
Ans- Option D
Q – 159 Graphite is used in nuclear reactor as
A. insulation lining of the reactor.
B. fuel.
C. lubricant.
D. retarder of neutron velocity.
Ans- Option D
Q – 160 The half life period of a radioactive substance is best determined by counting the number of alpha particles emitted per second in a Geiger Muller counter from its known quantity. If the half life period of a radioactive substance is one month, then
A. 3/4th of it will disintegrate in two months.
B. it will completely disintegrate in two months.
C. it will completely disintegrate in four months.
D. l/8th of it will remain intact at the end of four months.
Ans- Option B
Q – 161 Thermal shield is used in high powered nuclear reactors to
A. protect the walls of the reactor from radiation damage.
B. absorb the fast neutrons.
C. slow down the secondary neutrons.
D. protect the fuel element from coming in contact with the coolant.
Ans- Option A
Q – 162 The velocity of thermal (slow) neutrons triggering nuclear fission reaction (having energy equal to 0.025 eV) is about __________ metres/second.
A. 1100
B. 2200
C. 3300
D. 4400
Ans- Option B
Q – 163 _________ moderator is used in a fast breeder reactor.
A. Graphite
B. Heavy water
C. Beryllium
D. No
Ans- Option D
Q – 164 Which one is different for the neutral atoms of the isotopes of an element?
A. Atomic weights
B. Atomic numbers
C. Number of protons
D. Number of electrons
Ans- Option A
Q – 165 The ratio of atomic radius to its nuclear radius is about
A. 105
B. 108
C. 1012
D. 1015
Ans- Option A
Q – 166 The time required for half of the __________ of a radioactive isotope to decay is called its half life.
A. nuclei
B. electrons
C. protons
D. neutrons
Ans- Option A
Q – 167 Which is a fertile nuclear fuel?
A. U-233
B. U-235
C. Pu-239
D. Th-232
Ans- Option D
Q – 168 Nuclear fuel generally used in reactors is uranium oxide instead of uranium, because the former has higher
A. melting point, hence can be subjected to higher temperature.
B. density ; hence core volume for a given power output would be smaller.
C. resistance to effects of irradiation.
D. all (a), (b) and (c).
Ans- Option D
Q – 169 Thorium can be converted into U-233 in a __________ reactor.
A. liquid metal cooled
B. fast breeder
C. thermal
D. swimming pool
Ans- Option B
Q – 170 A moderator __________ the neutrons.
A. slows down
B. absorbs
C. accelerates
D. reflects
Ans- Option A
Q – 171 Nuclear fuel complex, Hyderabad is engaged in the job of
A. manufacture of nuclear fuel elements/assemblies .
B. processing of uranium ore.
C. treatment of spent fuel.
D. none of these.
Ans- Option A
Q – 172 Radioactive decay is a __________ change.
A. chemical
B. nuclear
C. physical
D. none of these
Ans- Option B
Q – 173 __________ nuclear reactor does not require a heat exchanger to supply steam to power turbine.
A. Molten sodium cooled
B. Helium cooled
C. Boiling water
D. Pressurised water
Ans- Option C
Q – 174 If 4 gm of a radioisotope has a half life period of 10 days, the half life of 2 gm of the same istotope will be __________ days.
A. 5
B. 10
C. 20
D. 30
Ans- Option B
Q – 175 Pick out the wrong statement.
A. The nucleus of a hydrogen atom is identical with a proton.
B. A, β-ray particle is identical with an electron.
C. Mass of an electron is about 1/1800th of the lightest nucleus.
D. Positron is heavier than a proton.
Ans- Option D
Q – 176 Specific gravity of uranium and plutonium is about
A. 9
B. 13
C. 19
D. 27
Ans- Option C
Q – 177 The function of moderators in nuclear reactor is to
A. slow down the secondary neutrons.
B. absorb the secondary neutrons.
C. control the chain reaction.
D. none of these.
Ans- Option A
Q – 178 Which of the following is not used as a nuclear fuel cladding material?
A. Zircalloy
B. Cadmium
C. Ceramics
D. Stainless steel
Ans- Option B
Q – 179 The atomic weight and atomic number of an element are A and Z respectively. What is the number of neutrons in the atom of that element?
A. A+Z
B. A- Z
C. A
D. Z
Ans- Option B
Q – 180 Thermal nuclear reactors using enriched uranium as fuel contains a maximum of __________ percent fissile material i.e. U-235.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 7
Ans- Option C
Q – 181 Which of the following types of nuclear reactors is most prone to radioactive hazards?
A. Pressurised water reactor
B. Gas cooled reactor
C. Molten sodium cooled reactor
D. Boiling water reactor
Ans- Option D
Q – 182 Thermal neutrons which are used to cause the fission of U-235 have energy __________ eV.
A. < 0.025 B. > 1
C. 1-25
D. > 200.
Ans- Option A
Q – 183 Out of the following places, a nuclear power plant is not located at
A. Talcher (Orissa)
B. Kaiga (Karnataka)
C. Rawatbhata (Rajsthan)
D. Kalpakkam (Tamilnadu)
Ans- Option A
Q – 184 Research reactors are normally meant for
A. producing high neutron flux 1012-1013 neutrons/cm2, sec and studying the effect of neutron bombardment on dif ferent materials.
B. accelerating the neutrons.
C. power generation.
D. none of these
Ans- Option A
Q – 185 The ratio of volume of an atom to that of its nucleus is
A. 1012
B. 10-12
C. 10-8
D. 108
Ans- Option A
Q – 186 Sodium melts (at atmospheric pressure) at a temperature of __________ C.
A. 58
B. 98
C. 348
D. 588
Ans- Option B
Q – 187 Hydrogen bomb employs the nuclear fusion of
A. hydrogen
B. deuterium
C. tritium
D. helium
Ans- Option B
Q – 188 The largest stable nucleus is
A. U-235
B. U-238
C. Pb-206
D. Bi-209
Ans- Option A
Q – 189 In a nuclear explosion, the energy is released primarily in the form of __________ energy-
A. potential
B. thermal
C. kinetic
D. electrical
Ans- Option C
Q – 190 Tarapur atomic power station
A. has two boiling water reactors of American design.
B. has an installed capacity of 400 MW.
C. is the first power reactor in India, which became critical in 1969.
D. all (a), (b) and (c).
Ans- Option D
Q – 191 Fast breeder Test Reactor (FBTR) is located at
A. Kalpakkam (near Madras).
B. Kota (in Rajasthan).
C. BARC (Trombay).
D. Tarapur (in Maharashtra).
Ans- Option A
Q – 192 The type of pump used for the recirculation of molten sodium coolant in liquid metal cooled reactor is a/an __________ pump.
A. electromagnetic
B. reciprocating
C. centrifugal
D. volute
Ans- Option A
Q – 193 “Critical mass” is the minimum mass of nuclear fissile material required for the
A. sustainment of chain reaction.
B. power generation on commercial scale.
C. economic power generation.
D. none of these.
Ans- Option A
Q – 194 Energy equivlant to one atomic mass unit (amu) is __________ MeV.
A. 9.31
B. 93.1
C. 931
D. 9310
Ans- Option C
Q – 195 Velocity of the thermal neutron (< 0.025 eV) used for fission of U-235 is around __________ m/sec.
A. 1
B. 2200
C. 3 x 1011
D. 9 x 1021
Ans- Option B
Q – 196 MeV is the unit of
A. radioactivity
B. energy
C. potential difference
D. none of these
Ans- Option B
Q – 197 Hydrogen has __________ isotopes.
A. no
B. one
C. two
D. three
Ans- Option D
Q – 198 A homogeneous reactor is the one, in which the
A. fissile atoms are evenly distributed throughout the mass of nuclear reactor.
B. same substance (e.g. heavy water) is used as moderator & coolant.
C. the fuel and the moderator is mixed to form a homogeneous material.
D. all (a), (b) and (c).
Ans- Option C
Q – 199 Which one is the radioactive isotope of hydrogen?
A. Deuterium
B. Ortho-hydrogen
C. Tritium
D. None of these
Ans- Option C
Q – 200 Final product of uranium extraction plant at Jadugoda (Bihar) is
A. uranium
B. uranium oxide
C. uranium carbide
D. magnesium diuranate
Ans- Option D