Top Most SAP Business Warehouse Interview Questions
Q – 1 How to enhance the data sources, explain with example?
1. find the structure of the datasource and goto se11 using append structure add the require fileds to the structure and activate
2. goto rsa6 select ur datasource and click on change icon and unhide the fileds and generate the datasoure.
3. goto tcode cmod create a project and assign RSRA0001 write the require code in the standard Include.
Q – 2 What are the errors in process chain, how can we solve them?
Ans- there are many types of error during the process chains, As process chain is basically meant with the data loading purpose,
1. Lock issue
2. Activation failure at ODS
3. Source sysem not connected or RFC connection issue
4. Invalid value not recognized.
5. Last delta not loaded correctly
6. OLTP to OLAP process or IDOC not transferred
7. update rule or transformation inactive
These are some of issues airsing during process chain.
Q – 3 What is DTP in bi 7?
Ans- DTP is new in BI 7,
In BW infopackage brings the data from Source Sytem to PSA & InfoCube(Data Targer). But from BI7 Infopackage brings data upto PSA. first u need to create transformation either from
PSA(Data Source)–InfoCube or InfoCube to PSA(Data Source) when u create transformation then u can see the field mapping between souce fields to target fields. Also u have conversion rules etc…
Now u can create DTP two ways… PSA(Data Source)–InfoCube or InfoCube to PSA(Data Source)
In Dtp u have 3 sub tabs,
1. Extract Full, Delta (only Change or new data)
2. Update
3. Execute— Execute button.
After Executing u can go to monitor…
Q – 4 What is post processing, where we use this?
Ans- Postprocessing is the process of tranforming the data after it is staged in BW (PSA or DSO). It is purely a business
Q – 5 Explain about monitering tcodes RSMO RSPC RSPCM and how to work with the DATA LOAD issues?
Ans- RSPC:using RSPC we can create a process chain to shedule any data load.
RSPCM: After creating the process chain at RSPC level,if u wants to monitor the data load(data failures)we should add that process chain to RSPCM wich is used to monitor all the data lods.
RSMO: used to monitor dala loads wich are sheduled by only process chains.
Q – 6 How to create info package from ods to ods then to infocube for process chain?
Ans- Create an info package under the infoorce starts as 8ODSA,choose data target as ODS B under targets tab of info package and create one more info package under info source 8ODSB ,choose data target as Infocube under data target tab if its BW 3.5 if its BI 7.0
Create DTP between ODS A and ODS B and ODS B to CUBE
Create a process chain as shown below if its BI 7.0
Start –> DTP to ODSB from ODS A –>activate ODS B— >Delete index –>Deactivate Aggregates –> DTP to Cube From ODS B –>create indexes –>rollup —> compression
if its BW 3.x
START —>infopak to ODS B from ODS A –>Activate ODS– >delete index —>Deactivate Aggregates –>IP CUBE from ODSB –>Create Indexes –>rollup–>compression
Q – 7 Where and why we use info provider, multi provider & infosets?
Ans- Infoproviders: which provide the data for reporting. eg: infoobjects,Infocube, ODS, Multiprovider, Infosets. (Infoproviders) Infocube, ODS and infoobject(master data objects) are the DATA TARGETS.
Multiprovider : these are virtual Infoproviders. Multiproviders does not contain any data physicaly. It will combine the data from different providers & make the data available as one to the single user. we can combine the data from Infocube, oDS, infoobjects and
infosets by using UNION operation.
Infoset: same as above but here we can combine the data from ODS & Infoobjects only by using JOIN operation.
Q – 8 What is dsp. How many types of dsos?
Ans- A DataStore object is used to store consolidated and cleansed data (transaction data or master data) on a document level (atomic level).
SAP BI distinguishes between three DataStore object types: Standard, Write Optimized, and Direct Update.
Q – 9 How to stop the Collapse process in process chain?
Ans- Go to the batch monitor in the Collapse process of the process chain. go to job log, select the job and stop it. It will cancell that process.
Note: You have to do it after the execution & before finish of the job.
Q – 10 What is the RRI. What is the sructure of RRI. any conditions for RRI?
Ans- The report/report interface (RRI) makes the parameterized call of programs possible from other programs. It gives the user the ability to jump from one report into another report that supplies further information. In SAP BI, you can arrive at branch destinations within and outside of the BI system. With the report/report interface, you can create several individual reports, each with a limited number of characteristics. These can be linked one to another to make very flexible data evaluations possible online.
Q – 11 What is differences between QUEUE DELTA & DIRECT DELTA?
Ans- In case of queued delta LUW’s r posted to extractor queue by scheduling V3job we move the documents from Extactor queue to Delta queue and we extract LUW’s from Deltaqueue to SAP BW by running Delta loadsQueued delta maintains Extractor log to handle the LUW’s which r missed.
In case of Direct delta LUW’s r directly posted to Delta Queue(RSA7)and we extact the LUW’s from DeltaQueue to SAP BW by running Delta loads.It degrades the OLTP performance becoz when LUW’s r directly posted to DeltaQueue the application is kept waiting until all the enhancement code is executed.
Q – 12 Is it possible to cancel the “collapse” process in Process chain. if yes. Briefly explain how to cancel the process?
Ans- We can collapse the process in process chain manually.
Q – 13 What is virtual info cube with services?
Ans- Remote InfoCubes with services refer to data stored on a remote system available through a user-defined function module. This type of remote InfoCube allows flexible user- defined online access to data stored on an arbitrary remote system.
Q – 14 What are text variables?
Ans- Text variables represent a text and can be used in descriptions of queries, calculated key figures and structural components.
Q – 15 Define the record modes for delta?
After image ” ”
Before image “x”
Delete image “D”
reverse image “R”
New image “N”
Additive image “A”
Q – 16 What is the transfer routine of the info object?
Ans- transfer routines are used to define global data and global checks