26. If the magnetic bearing of the sun at a place at noon in southern hemisphere is 167°, the magnetic declination at that place is
a) 77° N
b) 23° S
c) 13° E
d) 13° W
Ans: c
27. The graduations in prismatic compass
i) are inverted
ii) are upright
iii) run clockwise having 0° at south
iv) run clockwise having 0° at north
The correct answer is
a) (i) and (iii)
b) (i) and (iv)
c) (ii) and (iii)
d) (ii) and (iv)
Ans: a
28. Agate cap is fitted with a
a) cross staff
b) level
c) chain
d) prismatic compass
Ans: d
29. The temporary adjustments of a prismatic compass are
i) Centering
ii) Levelling
iii) Focusing the prism
The correct order is
a) (0, (iii), 00
b) (0, (ii), (iii)
c) (ii), (iii), 0)
d) (in), (i), (ii)
Ans: b
30. Theodolite is an instrument used for
a) tightening the capstan-headed nuts of level tube
b) measurement of horizontal angles only
c) measurement of vertical angles only
d) measurement of both horizontal and vertical angles
Ans: d
31. The process of turning the telescope about the vertical axis in horizontal plane is known as
a) transiting
b) reversing
c) plunging
d) swinging
Ans: d
32. Size of a theodolite is specified by
a) the length of telescope
b) the diameter of vertical circle
c) the diameter of lower plate
d) the diameter of upper plate
Ans: c
33. Which of the following is not the function of levelling head ?
a) to support the main part of the instrument
b) to attach the theodolite to the tripod
c) to provide a means for leveling the theodolite
d) none of the above
Ans: d
34. If the lower clamp screw is tightened and upper clamp screw is loosened, the theodolite may be rotated
a) on its outer spindle with a relative motion between the vernier and graduated scale of lower plate
b) on its outer spindle without a relative motion between the vernier and gra-duated scale of lower plate
c) on its inner spindle with a relative motion between the vernier and the graduated scale of lower plate
d) on its inner spindle without a relative motion between the vernier and the graduated scale of lower plate
Ans: c
35. A telescope is said to be inverted if its
a) vertical circle is to its right and the bubble of the telescope is down
b) vertical circle is to its right and the bubble of the telescope is up
c) vertical circle is to its left and the bubble of the telescope is down
d) vertical circle is to its left and the bubble of the telescope is up
Ans: a
36. The cross hairs in the surveying telescope are placed
a) midway between eye piece and objec¬tive lens
b) much closer to the eye-piece than to the objective lens
c) much closer to the objective lens than to the eye piece
d) anywhere between eye-piece and objective lens
Ans: b
37. For which of the following permanent adjustments of theodolite, the spire test is used ?
a) adjustment of plate levels
b) adjustment of line of sight
c) adjustment of horizontal axis
d) adjustment of altitude bubble and vertical index frame
Ans: c
38. The adjustment of horizontal cross hair is required particularly when the instrument is used for
a) leveling
b) prolonging a straight line
c) measurement of horizontal angles
d) all of the above
Ans: a
39. Which of the following errors is not eliminated by the method of repetition of horizontal angle measurement ?
a) error due to eccentricity of verniers
b) error due to displacement of station signals
c) error due to wrong adjustment of line of collimation and trunnion axis
d) error due to inaccurate graduation
Ans: b
40. The error due to eccentricity of inner and outer axes can be eliminated by
a) reading both verniers and taking the mean of the two
b) taking both face observations and taking the mean of the two
c) double sighting
d) taking mean of several readings distributed over different portions of the graduated circle
Ans: a
41. In the double application of principle of reversion, the apparent error is
a) equal to true error
b) half the true error
c) two times the true error
d) four times the true error
Ans: d
42. Which of the following errors can be eliminated by taking mean of bot face observations ?
a) error due to imperfect graduations
b) error due to eccentricity of verniers
c) error due to imperfect adjustment of plate levels
d) error due to line of collimation not being perpendicular to horizontal axis
Ans: d
43. Which of the following errors cannot be eliminated by taking both face observations ?
a) error due to horizontal axis not being perpendicular to the vertical axis
b) index error i.e. error due to imperfect adjustment of the vertical circle vernier
c) error due to non-parallelism of the axis of telescope level and line of collimation
d) none of the above
Ans: d
44. If a tripod settles in the interval that elapses between taking a back sight reading and the following foresight reading, then the elevation of turning point will
a) increase
b) decrease
c) not change
d) either ‘a’ or ‘b’
Ans: a
45. If altitude bubble is provided both on index frame as well as on telescope of a theodolite, then the instrument is levelled with reference to
i) altitude bubble on index frame
ii) altitude bubble on index frame if it is to be used as a level
iii) altitude bubble on telescope
iv) altitude bubble on telescope if it is to be used as a level
The correct answer is
a) only (i)
b) both (i) and (iv)
c) only (iii)
d) both (ii) and (iii)
Ans: b
46. A’level line’is a
a) horizontal line
b) line parallel to the mean spheriodal surface of earth
c) line passing through the center of cross hairs and the center of eye piece
d) line passing through the objective lens and the eye-piece of a dumpy or tilting level
Ans: b
47. The following sights are taken on a “turning point”
a) foresight only
b) backsight only
c) foresight and backsight
d) foresight and intermediate sight
Ans: c
48. The rise and fall method of levelling provides a complete check on
a) backsight
b) intermediate sight
c) foresight
d) all of the above
Ans: d
49. If the R.L. of a B.M. is 100.00 m, the back- sight is 1.215 m and the foresight is 1.870 m, the R.L. of the forward station is
a) 99.345 m
b) 100.345 m
c) 100.655m
d) 101.870m
Ans: a
50. In an internal focussing type of telescope, the lens provided is
a) concave
b) convex
c) plano-convex
d) plano-concave
Ans: a