1. The efficiency of a nuclear power plant in comparison to a conventional thermal power plant is
(a) same
(b) more
(c) less
(d) may be less or mote depending on size
(e) unpredictable
Ans: c
2. Isotopes of same elements have
(a) same atomic number and different masses
(b) same chemical properties but different atomic numbers
(c) different masses and different atomic numbers
(d) different chemical properties and same atomic numbers
(e) same chemical properties and same atomic numbers
Ans: b
3. Atomic number of an element in the periodic table represents the numbers of
(a) protons in the nucleus
(b) electrons in me nucleus
(c) neutrons in the nucleus
(d) electrons in the atom
(e) neutrons in the atom
Ans: a
4. The mass number of a substance represents the sum of total number of
(a) protons and neutrons in an atom
(b) protons and electrons in an atom
(c) neutrons and electrons in an atom
(d) protons and neutrons in a nucleus
(e) protons and electrons in a nucleus
Ans: d
5. Which is not identical for an atom and an isotope
(a) mass number
(b) atomic number
(c) chemical properties
(d) position in periodic table
(e) all of the above
Ans: a
6. Amongst the following, the fissionable materials are
(a) U233andPu239
(b) U23iandPu233
(c) U235andPu235
(d) U238andPu239
(e) U243andPu235
Ans: a
6. A nuclear unit becoming critical means
(a) it is generating power to rated capacity
(b) it is capable of generating much more than rated capacity
(c) there is danger of nuclear spread
(d) chain reaction that causes automatic splitting of the fuel nuclei has been established
(e) it generates no heat
Ans: d
7. Moderator in nuclear plants is used to
(a) reduce temperature
(b) extract heat from nuclear reaction
(c) control the reaction
(d) cause collision with the fast moving neutrons to reduce their speed
(e) moderate the radioactive pollution
Ans: d
8. The most commonly used moderator in nuclear plants is
(a) heavy water
(b) concrete and bricks
(c) graphite and concrete
(d) deuterium
(e) graphite
Ans: e
9. The nuclear energy is measured as
(a) MeV
(b) curie
(c) farads
(d) MW
(e) kWhr
Ans: a
10. The total energy released in fission of U is
(a) 5 MeV
(b) 10 MeV
(c) 199 MeV
(d) 168 MeV
(e) 11 MeV
Ans: c
11. Breeder reactor has a conversion ratio of
(a) unity
(b) more than unity
(c) less than unity
(d) zero
(e) infinity
Ans: b
12. Boiling water reactor employs
(a) boiler
(b) direct cycle of coolant system
(c) double circuit system of coolant cycle
(d) multi pass system
(e) single circuit system
Ans: b
13. Fast breeder reactor uses
(a) boiler
(b) direct cycle of coolant system
(c) double circuit system of coolant cycle
(d) multi pass system
(e) single circuit system
Ans: c
14. One gram of uranium will produce energy equivalent to approximately
(a) 1 tonne of high grade coal
(b) 4.5 tonnes of high grade coal
(c) 10 tonnes of high grade coal
(d) 100 tonnes of high grade coal
(e) 1000 tonnes of high grade coal
Ans: b
15. Which of the following nuclear reactor does not need a heat exchanger for generation of steam
(a) gas cooled
(b) liquid metal cooled
(c) pressurised water
(d) boiling water
(e) none of the above
Ans: d
16. The number of isotopes of hydrogen are
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) U
(c) 3
(e) 0
Ans: c
17. The commonly used material for shielding is
(a) lead or concrete
(b) lead and tin
(c) graphite or cadmium
(d) thick galvanized sheets
(e) black carbon papers
Ans: a
18. The main interest of shielding in nuclear reactor is protection against
(a) X-rays
(b) infra-red rays
(c) a, P, and y rays
(d) neutrons and gamma rays
(e) electrons
Ans: d
19. Reflector in nuclear plants is used to
(a) return the neutrons back into the core
(b) shield the radioactivity completely
(c) check polllution
(d) conserve energy
(e) is not used
Ans: a
20. The energy required to be applied to a radioactive nucleus for the emission of a neutron is
(a) 1 MeV
(b) 2.4 MeV
(c) 4.3 MeV
(d) 7.8 MeV
(e) 20 MeV
Ans: d