Latest Citrix Netscaler Interview Questions Part – 2
List Out The Ports Associated With Citrix Services?
Default port is A:
Default listening port for Citrix XML service:
For ICA:
UDP port used for client broadcasting:
IMA port:
2512 and 2513
CMC and SSL port:
Server to SQL port:
Session Reliability:
Port Number for licensing:
Explain What Is Data Store?
Data store is a DATABASE which consists of all the configuration information needed by the Citrix farm. Changes can be made at any time to the Meta Frame Server. The changes are persisted in the data store. It will data store following information like
Server configuration
User configuration
Print Environment
Published Application
List Out The Services Provided By Citrix?
Service provided by Citrix includes
Citrix virtual memory optimization service
Encryption service
Citrix XTE service
Independent Management architecture
Citrix SMA service
COM (Common Object Model) services
List Out The Major Citrix Components?
Major Citrix components are
It allows to host applications on central servers and enables users to interact with them remotely and deliver it to the user’s devices for local executions
It is the practice of hosting a desktop OPERATING SYSTEM with a virtual machine running on a remote SERVER
It enables you to combine multiple Xen-enabled servers into a powerful resource pool using industry standard shared storage architecture and leveraging resource clustering technology created by XenSource
Provisioning Server:
It reduces the number of systems that they manage, even as the computers number continues to grow.
It is used to provide level 4 load balancing
Explain What Is Citrix?
It is an application deployment system. With Citrix, one can access the customized application and can also delivered to remote systems. It also allows file transfer from home computer to office computer and e-mail accessing.
What Free Tool From Citrix Will Allow You To Analyze Your Log Files, Profile Your Citrix Environment, Scan For Known Issues And Attach A Log File To A Citrix Support Ticket?
Citrix Insight Services or TaaS
Citrix Storefront Displays Applications Differently Than Web Interface. Instead Of Having All Accessible Applications Appear On The Home Screen, First Time Users Are Invited To Choose (subscribe) To The Applications They Want To Regularly Use After They Logon. What Function In Storefront Must You Use To Avoid Users Having A Blank Screen And Automatically Subscribe Users To A Few Core Applications When They First Logon?
You Are Preparing A Pvs Master Target Device Which Is Created On Vmware Vsphere Virtual Hardware Version 10 Or Higher. What Must You Do With The Cd/dvd Rom Setting For Pvs To Work Correctly?
You will need to change the CD/DVD Rom to IDE instead of SATA. SATA is not supported in PVS.
What Is The Major Financial Bottleneck Of Any Vdi Deployment?
Storage. Traditionally, storage has been very costly in getting a comparable VDI end user experience as opposed to the local desktop experience. There are several vender solutions on the market now to address this.