Latest Chemical Engineering Interview Questions Part – 4
1. What are some common methods for helium leak testing a vacuum system?
It is common to have a location in the suction line of the pump to detect the helium. Then, the helium source is passed over the flanges and other possible sources of leakage. This is done while monitoring the detector at the pump suction for detectable amount of helium.
Alternatively, if your system can take pressure as well as vacuum you can try pressuring it up and looking for the leaks that way. As yet another alternative, you can install an IR unit to the suction of the pump and spray isopropyl alcohol on the flanges.
2. What is a common source of error in determining the percent spent caustic in refinery applications?
In titrations, a common error made is that the technicians stop at the phenolphthalein endpoint (which is incorrect) rather than the methyl orange endpoint (which is correct). Stopping the titration too soon can cause the results to be grossly under-reported. Equation (1): 2NaOH + H2S -> Na2S + 2H20 Equation (2): Na2S + H2S -> 2NaSH Overall Equation: NaOH + H2S -> NaSH + H2O
3. What is a good method of analyzing powders for composition?
A method known as Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy is often used for this purpose. FT-IR sends light beams of varying wavelength through the sample and the reflected light is analyzed by spectroscopy to find the absorption of each wavelength.
The measured wavelengths are compared with a reference laser and the sample composition can be calculated. Analect Instruments Inc. specializes in FT-IR measurement.
4. What are some common problems associated with bellow expansion joints?
Bellow expansion joints have gained a reputation for being “weak” points in piping. Usually they are used to remove piping stresses from equipment or to allow for minor piping moments. If they are used properly, expansion joints can save equipment and/or equipment welds from stresses generated from piping forces.
The two most common complaints about bellows are 1. They tend to build up dirt 2. They are “weak” point in piping (as noted earlier). To overcome these issues, manufacturers can began installing drains in the bellows to allow for the period purging of material.
Additionally, bellow manufacturers have placed much emphasis on installation advice and showing their customers how to protect the bellow from unnecessary damage. One such method is the use of tie rods between the end flanges to avoid pressure thrust movements (beyond the bellow’s design conditions) which are often the cause of bellow failures
5. Are there any methods of preventing cracking of carbon steel welds in refining environments?
Where carbon steel is an appropriate material of construction, NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) has issued the following standard: NACE RP0472, “Methods and controls to prevent in-service environmental cracking of carbon-steel weldments in corrosive petroleum refining environments”. For welds where hardness testing is required, RP0472 give the following guidelines: A. Testing shall be taken with a portable Brinell hardness tester.
Test technique guidelines are given in an appendix in the standard. B. Testing shall be done on the process side whenever possible. C. For vessel or tank butt welds, one test per 10 feet of seam with a minimum of one location per seam is required. One test shall be done on each nozzle flange-to-neck and nozzle neck-to-shell (or neck-to-head) weld. D. A percentage of helping welds shall be tested (5 percent minimum is suggested). E. Testing of fillet welds should be done when feasible (with the testing frequency similar to the butt welds). F. Each welding procedure used shall be tested. G. Welds that exceed 200 Brinell shall be heat treated or removed.
6. What is a common failure mechanism for above ground atmospheric storage tanks?
Tanks constructed prior to the 1950’s are notorious for failing along the shell-to-bottom seam or on the side seam. The principle reason for this is that these tanks were constructed before there were established procedures and codes for such a tank (Ex/ API-650 “Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage”). One of the key features of these codes and procedures was to make sure that tanks were designed to fail along the shell-to-seam such that the liquid remained largely contained.
7. How does a tank-blanketing valve operate?
Tank Blanketing Valves provide an effective means of preventing and controlling fires in flammable liquid storage tanks. Vapors cannot be ignited in the absence of an adequate supply of oxygen. In most instances, this oxygen is provided by air drawn into the tank from the atmosphere during tank emptying operations.
Tank Blanketing Valves are installed with their inlet connected to a supply of pressurized inert gas (usually Nitrogen), and their outlet piped into the tank’s vapor space. When the tank pressure drops below a predetermined level, the blanketing valve opens and allows a flow of inert gas into the vapor space. The blanketing valve reseals when pressure in the tank has returned to an acceptable level.
8. How can one determine if a particular solid can be fluidized as in a fluidized bed?
Mr. Alex C. Hoffmann of the Stratingh Institute for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering states: “Whether a material can be fluidized at all is the question: if it is fine or sticky, the bed will be cohesive. It will then tend to form channels through which the aeration gas will escape rather than being dispersed through the interstices supporting the particles.
In the other extreme: if the particles are too large and heavy the bed will not fluidize well either, but tend to be very turbulent and form a spout.” He goes on to present classification of fluidization by Geldart by use of the chart shown below. On this chart, the x-axis is the average particle diameter and the y-axis is the bulk density of the bed.
9. What are some guidelines for sizing a PSV for a fire scenario on a vessel in a refinery service?
Sizing a PSV on your vessel is a matter of calculating how much heat is inputted from the fire. API-520 uses Q = FA0.82 where Q is BTU/hr, F is the insulation factor (commonly taken as 1.0 but can be less than 1.0 if your insulation will remain effective during the fire and not be dislodged by fire hoses) and finally, A is the external area in ft2. The vapor load is then the total heat input from the fire divided by the liquid’s latent heat (BTU/lb).
As a fluid approaches its critical pressure, the latent heat as it boils decreases so the relieving flow rate increases. At the critical point, the latent heat goes to 0. Some companies simply use a minimum 50 BTU/lb latent heat others look at de-pressuring equipment, etc.
One point is the protection, or potential lack of it, provided by a PSV during a fire. The boiling liquid in the vessel from the fire helps keep the metal ‘cool’ so it retains its strength. Once the liquid is gone or the flame impinges on the wall not in contact with liquid, the metal can quickly reach a temperature where it has insufficient strength to withstand the internal pressure and you have a BLEVE. Not something, you want to be around. As an added point to the information above, if 50 Btu/lb is not your company’s minimum standard for latent heat, here is an alternative to calculate the latent heat:
10. Are there flow velocity restrictions to avoid static charge build up in pipelines?
There is an Australian standard “AS1020 (1984) – Control of undesirable Static Electricity” In it, there is a table for flammable hydrocarbons as follows:
Pipe Size (mm) Max Velocity (m/s)
10 8
25 4.9
50 3.5
100 2.5
200 1.8
400 1.3
600+ 1.0
This is based on pure hydrocarbons, and there is a correction, which can be applied for fluids of different conductivity. Methanol has a higher polarity than hydrocarbons and hence is more conductive. The resistivity of diesel is 1013 ohm-m vs 108 for methanol. In addition to this, normal piping design guidelines should however be followed, such as appropriate earthing, and ensuring exit velocities into tanks of 1 m/s.
11. How can I evaluate the thermal relief requirements for double block-in of 98% sulfuric acid?
API RP520 gives equations to calculate relief requirements. For thermal relief, a very simple formula requires the heat input and the coefficient of thermal expansion of the liquid. The heat input could be a problem. If you are concerned about sulfuric in a line that is part of a heat exchanger system, then the heat is simply the design capacity of the heat exchanger.
If it were a pipeline in the sun, then you would have to calculate the amount of heat that the sun can put into the pipe. You can get the coefficient of thermal expansion from your supplier or any book on sulfuric. You can also calculate it by taking the specific gravity at two different temperatures and divide the SG difference by the temperature difference. Coefficient of expansion has the units of 1/0F.
Now for the easy part, if you are at all concerned, just put in a 3/4? x 1? thermal relief valve and do not worry about doing any calculations. However, I do not believe sulfuric has any problems in pipelines unless it is a very long one and directly in the sun. In addition, I would make it a standard procedure to drain the line if it will sit dead headed for any significant period. Just a small bleed will be enough.
12. What is a good source of information for the design of pressure vessels?
Pressure Vessel Handbook Author = Eugene F. Megyesy Publisher = Pressure Vessel Handbook Publ., Inc. P.O. Box 35365 Tulsa, OK 74153 Page 18 tells you how to calculate a pressure vessel’s wall thickness; page 176 tells how to calculate an API Std. 650 Storage tank wall thickness. The rest of the book is a goldmine for young engineers – especially CHE’s involved in vessel design. It also gives all the information you require for supports, nozzles, head design, piping, ladders, platforms, etc.
13. What is the method of determining maximum differential pressure during hydro testing of shell and tube heat exchangers?
Mr. Richard Lee of Plumlee International Consulting usually heat exchangers have two sets of test pressures per side, one for strength tests, and the other for “operating” or “leak” tests. The strength tests are set by the design code and if you have the original design data sheets for your equipment then the information should be shown on these. If you do not then you will have to do the calculations yourself, the exact method will depend upon which design code you use, the most common one being TEMA (which uses the ANSI/ASME pressure vessel code for reference in this area).
Most shell and tube exchangers are designed such that each side of the unit will withstand the full design pressure, with only atmospheric pressure on the other side. In order to save money, some larger units will have the tube-sheets especially designed to withstand only a much lower differential pressure (requiring both sides to be tested simultaneously).
This important information should be shall quite clearly on the design sheets and on the vessel nameplate (assuming that either are available). If the only need is to check that a gasket has been properly installed then it can be permissible to perform a lower pressure test based on the operating pressure. The acceptability of this lower pressure test will often depend upon the consequences of a leak.
14. Are there any general rules that should be considered when designing a slurry piping system?
The following are items to consider when designing a piping system that will transport slurries:
1) Whenever possible, piping should be designed to be self-draining
2) Manual draining should be installed to drain sections of the piping when self-draining is not possible
3) Blow-out or rod-out connections should be provided to clear lines in places where plugging is likely or could occur
4) Access flanges should be provided at T-connections
5) Manifolds should have flanged rather than capped connections to allow for easy access
6) Clean-out connections should be provided on BOTH sides of main line valves so that flushing can take place in either direction
7) Break flanges should be provided every 20 feet of horizontal pipe or after every two changes in direction
15. How are vessel lined with glass or how are they coated?
First, the glass mixture is smelted for form the proper recipe based on temperature and pressure requirements of the vessel. Then the glass is ground into tiny particles and suspended in a liquid medium called a slip. This mixture is then spayed onto the surface to be coated. The vessel is then heated to about 800 0C to bond the glass to the steel (usually carbon steel). The vessel is then slowly cooled.
16. At what temperature is glass fused to steel in the making of glass-lined equipment?
The borosilicate glass is typically fused to carbon steel at a temperature of about 800 0C.
17. What are some typical applications for glass-lined reactors?
Glass-lined equipment gives superior protection to all mineral acids at all concentration and temperatures. One exception is hydrofluoric acid.
They are also used is high-purity processes where cleanliness is very important. Using glass-lined equipment help eliminate the possibility of metal contamination. A third application is in polymerization. Metallic vessels sometimes tend to allow the polymer to stick to the walls of the vessels while glass-lined vessels have good anti-stick properties.
18. Is there any way to slow coke formation in ethylene furnaces?
Westaim Corporation has a commercial process for applying a special coating to the tubes used in ethylene furnaces. Westaim claims that coke buildup is reduced to one-forth to one-tenth of the normal rate. The coating consists of a combination of metal, ceramic powder, and a polymer. Once the coating is applied, the tubes are then heat-treated and reacted with an unspecified gas. Welds cannot be coated with this process.
19. What information is needed to specify a mixer?
1. Specific Gravity
2. Fluid Viscosity
3. Phase to be dispersed
4. Solid-liquid systems
The settling velocities of the 10, 50, and 90 percent weight fractions of the particle size distribution should be available. 5. For gas systems, the standard and actual flow rates will be needed.
20. How can viscosity affect the design of a mixer?
For Newtonian fluids, which will have a constant viscosity at all impeller speeds, most design correlations will perform satisfactorily for viscosities up to 5,000 cP. Above 5,000 cP, estimating errors from 20% to 50% can result in the sizing of the agitator.
21. How do you design a vapor-liquid separator or a flash drum?
The size of a vapor-liquid separator should be dictated by the anticipated flow rate of vapor and liquid from the vessel. The following sizing methodology is based on the assumption that those flow rates are known. Use a vertical pressure vessel with a length-to-diameter ratio of about 3 to 4, and size the vessel to provide about 5 minutes of liquid inventory between the normal liquid level and the bottom of the vessel (with the normal liquid level being at about the vessel’s half-full level).
At the vapor outlet, provide a de-entraining mesh section within the vessel such that the vapor must pass through that mesh before it can leave the vessel. Depending upon how much liquid flow you expect, the liquid outlet line should probably have a level control valve.
22. How is waste heat boilers categorized?
Chemical plants -(hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfuric acid, sulfur recovery) Incineration plants-(fumes, chemicals, municipal solid waste) Refineries-(cat cracker, CO off gases) Cogeneration, combined cycle plants-(gas turbine, diesel engine exhaust) Furnaces, kilns-(exhaust gases) See a complete table at the link below.
93. What is the angle of repose and what are its applications in the chemical industry?
The dictionary defines “angle of repose” as “the inclination of a plane at which a body placed on the plane would remain at rest, or if in motion would roll or slide down with uniform velocity; the angle at which the various kinds of earth will stand when abandoned to them”.
Applications to the chemical industry…think about the design of the conical section of a storage bin. The material would not fall out the bottom, as we may want. This concept is also important in the design of system designed to move bulk solids…for the same reasons.
24. I would like to know how to size a partial combustion reactor processing methane and oxygen, as a function of the flowrate and of the pressure.
In your case, you essentially have two reactions: CH4 + 3/2 O2 —> CO + 2 H2O (incomplete combustion) CH4 + 2 O2 —> CO2 + 2 H2O (complete combustion) each of these reactions has a specific rate at which it occurs. If you wanted to design a reactor properly, you would need to determine the conversion of methane in each of the above reactions. The upper limit of your flow rate is bound by the rate of reaction.
If the flow rate is too high, the reaction simply will not take place (i.e. the flame will burn out). I am not sure that there is a simple relationship between pressure and flow rate in this case. The gases need to spend a certain amount of time in the reactor in order for the combustion to take place (residence time). Once you know the residence time, you could design a reactor for your specific flow rate.
25. Why is post-weld heat treatment (stress relieving) sometimes necessary for welded vessels?
During the welding process, the two metal pieces being joined are subject to extreme temperatures and can cause the crystalline structure of the metal to pass through various metallurgical phases. As a result, hardening (and embrittlement) of the metal can occur to varying degrees (usually dependent on carbon content). Heat treatment is designed to reduce the hardness in the heat-affected zone of the metals and increase ductility in these sections.
Various pressure vessel codes contain the specifics regarding the procedures for post-weld heat treatment. Heat is usually held for one hour per inch of thickness of the metal. The temperature used is based on the “P-number” of the metals. P-numbers are assigned based on the chemical composition of the metals. Holding temperatures can range from 1100-1350 °F (593-732 °C).
26. Is it possible to compare the resistance to chloride attack of several materials of construction?
The Pitting Resistance Equivalent Index (PRE) can be used for such a comparison if the chemical make-up of each material is known. The formula for the PRE is PRE = % Cr + (3.3 x % Mo) + (30 x % N).
27. How can wet carbon dioxide be responsible for a corrosion problem in iron-containing metals?
Carbon dioxide reacts with water according to the following equation: CO2 + H2O –> HCO3- + H+ As the concentration of CO2 increases, so does the concentration of the H+ ion. This ion can then react with Fe in metals as follows: Fe + 2H+ –> 2H (atom) + Fe2+ As corrosion proceeds, the ferrous ions produced can react with the bicarbonate ions to form ferrous carbonate, which precipitates as a scale.
28. What steps can be taken to avoid stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in steel vessels used for storing anhydrous ammonia?
The U.S. National Board of Pressure Vessel Inspectors recommends the following in one of their classic articles:
1. Pressure vessels should be fully stress relieved or fabricated with heads that are hot-formed or stress relieved.
2. Extreme care should be used to eliminate air from the ammonia systems; new vessels must be thoroughly purged to eliminate air contamination.
3. Ammonia should contain at least 0.2 percent water to inhibit SCC. Source: National Board of Pressure Vessel Inspectors
29. What chemical is used to expand air bags in such a short amount of time?
That chemical is sodium azide (NaN3) which is a solid propellant that can be electrically ignited to form nitrogen gas almost instantly.
30. What is an additive?
An additive is anything that is added to a process that is not a basic raw material. It is usually present in such small quantities that it does not interfere with final product quality. It is usually added to act as an enhancer or to prevent some unwanted reaction.
For instance, anti-foam additives are added to columns, evaporators, reactors, etc. to prevent foaming. Inhibitors are added to Styrene systems to prevent polymerization. A well-known additive is a detergent added to motor oils and gasoline to keep your engine clean.
31. How many grams per liter would there be in a 0.35 N (Normality) Citric acid solution?
The normality of a solution is the number of gram-equivalent weights of the dissolved substance per liter of solution. The gram-equivalent weight of the dissolved substance is the molecular weight of the dissolved substance divided by the hydrogen equivalent of the dissolved substance.
Citric acid has a molecular weight of 192.12 and it contains three hydrogen equivalents (i.e., three COOH groups). Thus, the gram equivalent weight of the citric acid dissolved in water is 192.12/3 = 64.04 grams. Therefore 0.35 Normal citric acid would have (0.35)(64.4) = 22.41 grams of citric acid per liter of solution.
32. How can I treat a waste stream containing both hexavalent chromium and arsenic?
Waste streams that contain these types of mixtures are often treated in two or more reducing tanks. Strong reducing agents such as sodium metabisulfite, sulfur dioxide, and sodium bisulfite are often used.
33. How can arsenic be removed from aqueous waste streams?
Often times, ferric chloride is added to such a stream. The ferric chloride aids in the formation of floc to agglomerate fine arsenic particles that can then be removed by mechanical means.
34. How can hexavalent chromium be removed from aqueous waste streams?
One option is to use ferrous sulfate to reduce the hexavalent chromium to a less toxic, trivalent chromium form that wills precipitate out of the solution. Trivalent chromium can then be reduced by sodium hydroxide.
35. What types of metals are typically removed via chemical precipitation?
Some of the more common metals or other substances removed via precipitation include:
1) Aluminum
2) Arsenic
3) Barium
4) Cadmium
5) Calcium
6) Trivalent chromium
7) Hexavelent chromium
8) Copper
9) Iron
10) Lead
11) Magnesium
12) Manganese
13) Mercury
14) Nickel
15) Selenium
16) Zinc
36. What are some common precipitating agents used to remove metals from aqueous waste streams?
Perhaps the most common agents used are:
1) Metal hydroxides
2) Lime or caustic soda
3) Metal sulfides
4) Alum or ferric salts
5) Phosphate or carbonate ions
37. How can metals be removed from aqueous waste streams?
Precipitation is widely used to remove metals from waste streams. The soluble heavy-metal salts can be converted to insoluble salts that will precipitate and can then be removed by clarification, filtration, or settling.
38. What is the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT)?
The sultriness of the ambient environment is more than a comfort factor. For workers, soldiers and athletes, high levels of sultriness may result in heat stress that could very well be life threaten. To determine the actual degree of sultriness in a quantifiable manner, the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) index is used.
It includes the effects of humidity, air speed, air temperature and the radiant heating factor (from the sun). This index was developed by the U.S. Military in the 1950’s and has become widely accepted for industrial temperature measurements to protect employees. It combines three temperature readings: the wet bulb temperature; the ordinary dry bulb temperature and a black bulb globe temperature.
There are also instruments available, which measure WBGT index directly, combining the three factors and their appropriate weighting values.
39. What is a good source of surfactant information on the internet?
Check out the Surfactant Virtual Library at the link below.
40. What is a surfactant?
A surfactant is a chemical that reduces the surface tension of pure liquid or a mixture of liquids.
41. What is the easiest way to extract hydrogen from water and the safest way to store it?
Electrolysis (which means splitting using electricity) of water is the method for producing hydrogen from water. The safest way to commercially store it would be to use a palladium “sponge”, because palladium adsorbs several hundred times it’s own volume in hydrogen.
One would need to produce a compound with a very high surface area, which has a thin coating of palladium. This type of material is commonly used as a catalyst in chemical processes.
42. Can asphalt be recycled to form a useful product?
Asphalt can be ground into small pieces and emulsified to form a 70% oil/30% water mixture. This fuel can be used to power boilers. It has a heating value of 6,600 kcal/kg and is said to be stable for about 6 months.
43. How can separation of chiral chemicals affect the chemical and/or pharmaceutical industries?
This enantiomers (left [S] or right [R] oriented) versions of the same compound can have very different properties; this development has been significant particularly in the pharmaceutical industry. For example, the drug Seldane is a racemic mixture of both S and R versions of the drug’s molecules.
Through chiral separation technology, Hoechst was able to bring the drug Allegra to market in only 3 years (far less time than is usually necessary). Hoechst was able to bypass toxicity testing because Allegra is a single chiral form of its molecule. By chiral separation, the most of the side effects of Seldane were avoided in Allegra.
44. What are PCBs?
PCB is a commonly used acronym for “PolyChlorinated Biphenyls”. These compounds are famous for the disposal problems that they pose to the chemical industry.
45. What is quicklime and what are the uses?
Quicklime (Calcium Oxide) is an efficient scavenger of moisture in its dehydrated state. It is also cheap, compared to orthe scavengers such as silica gel, drierite, oxazolidines, etc. It is commonly found in water sensitive paint formulations (such as polyurethanes and polyureas).
46. What is happening when paint dries?
During the manufacture of paint, solvents are added to make the paint thinner so that it can be applied to various surfaces. Once the paint is applied, the solvents evaporate and the resins and pigments that make up the paint for a thin, solid layer on the surface.
47. What are the three classes of organic solvents?
Typically, organic solvents can be split up in the following classes: Oxygenated, Hydrocarbon, and Halogenated. Oxygenated solvents include alcohols, glycol ethers, ketones, esters, and glycol ether esters. Hydrocarbon solvents include aliphatics and aromatics. Halogenated solvents include those that are chlorinated primarily.
48. What is a solvent?
According to the US Solvent Council, “A solvent is a liquid which has the ability to dissolve, suspend, or extract other materials without chemical change to the material or solvent. Solvents make it possible to process, apply, clean, or separate materials.
49. What is the easiest way to extract hydrogen from water and the safest way to store it?
Electrolysis (which means splitting using electricity) of water is the method for producing hydrogen from water. The safest way to commercially store it would be to use a palladium “sponge”, because palladium adsorbs several hundred times it’s own volume in hydrogen.
One would need to produce a compound with a very high surface area, which has a thin coating of palladium. This type of material is commonly used as a catalyst in chemical processes.
50. How can you separate hydrogen peroxide into hydrogen and oxygen?
This is easily done. Just expose hydrogen peroxide to air. The oxygen in the air will oxidize the hydrogen peroxide into its component gases. It happens far too slowly for industrial or most other purposes (an enzyme catalyst can be used to speed up the process). However, neither hydrogen nor oxygen is produced in this manner in industry. The enzyme catalyst is called “catalase”.
51. What is the largest application for surfactants?
About 60% of total surfactant market is composed of the detergent and cleaning products marketplace. These types of compounds are sold in large volumes at low prices.
52. Who built the first production scale PLA (polylactic acid) facility?
The first production scale PLA (polylactic acid) facility was built by Cargill Dow in The Blair, Nebraska, and USA. The facility is designed to consume 40,000 bushels of corn per day and produce 300 million lb/year of PLA.
53. What is the average salary for chemical engineers?
AIChE just came out with the results of a ChE salary survey (See Chemical Engineering Progress, September 2000). To answer your question depends on years of service, the type of degree, the size of the company and the type of industry, i.e. Engineering, Design & Construction (E&C), Plant work, Self Employed as examples. To summarize briefly, median starting salary is about $50,000 per year.
Median salary among all Chemical Engineers is about $77,200 and annual raises are averaging 4.4%. As far as job prospects that again depends in which area you are interested. In general, jobs are still looking good. However, be forewarned, Chemical Engineers no longer command the job security that we once had. In economic downturns, it can get nasty.
54. What compounds are responsible for the odors that come from wastewater treatment plants?
Compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl sulfide, and dimethyl disulfide can all contribute to this foul odor.
55. What does the catalystic converter on an automobile really do?
A catalytic converter is a device that uses a catalyst to convert three harmful compounds in automobile exhaust gas into harmless compounds.
The three harmful compounds are:
? Hydrocarbons (in the form of unburned gasoline)
? Carbon monoxide (formed by the combustion of gasoline)
? Nitrogen oxides (created when the heat in the engine forces nitrogen in the air to combine with oxygen).
Carbon monoxide is a poison for any air-breathing animal. Nitrogen oxides lead to smog and acid rain, and hydrocarbons produce smog. In a catalytic converter, the catalyst (in the form of platinum and palladium) is coated onto a ceramic honeycomb or ceramic beads that are housed in a muffler-like package attached to the exhaust pipe. The catalyst helps to convert carbon monoxide into carbon dioxide.
It converts the hydrocarbons into carbon dioxide and water. It also converts the nitrogen oxides back into nitrogen and oxygen.
56. What is an effective means of removing silicon from aluminum?
Silicon is well known for its chemical inertness, (i.e. it tends not to react with many other chemicals). Depending on what type of silicon you are dealing with, this may or may not be easy to solve. If the silicon is from a lubricant, it is probably the graphitic form, which is soluble in a strong combination of nitric, and hydrofluoric acids, neither of which I would recommend for you to use…nor hydrofluoric acid is not easy to come by.
If it is silicon from an acidic form (probably any other form other than a lubricant), you should try ammonia. In either case, leave your acetone at home…it will NEVER work! UPDATE: An ammonia solution worked very well in this case
57. We wanted to know how to impart various colors to copper wire by simply dipping them into various chemicals, formulations, etc. This copper wire is to be used by us for our hobby of making various art objects from copper wire.
Changing the color of copper by means of chemical reactions is a dangerous Endeavour that I really do not recommend. However, there is something you can do to get a green color, if fact if you are familiar with the Statue of Liberty here in America, this would explain why it is green. You see, the outside of the statue is coated with copper and being in New York City, it is subjected to acid rain.
This causes the formation of another chemical that coats the copper and gives the statue its green color. The two acids that you can use are nitric acid (which works best) or sulfuric acid (which will probably require some gentle heating along with the acid). I am not sure if there were a good way to get nitric acid out of something you may have around the house, you would probably have to buy it.
Sulfuric acid can be obtained from car batteries (the liquid inside). You will want to boil the mixture (to concentrate it by evaporating the water), until you see white fumes (which are very dangerous). Then put your copper is while the acid is hot and leave it there until you get the color you would like. If you are going to do this, please do it outside or in a well ventilated area and make sure you have some baking soda handy is case you get some of the acid on your skin. If you are looking for a different color or more colors…
58. After conducting an internet search for ways to reduce energy costs, I found a recipe for whitewashing that is said to reflect sunlight. The recipe calls for 20 pounds hydrated lime to 5 gallons water to 1-quart polyvinyl acetate. What is a good source of polyvinyl acetate that I can buy at a local store?
Well your recipe sounds exciting. Finding your polyvinyl acetate should be easy. Go to your nearest department store and pick up a large container of plain white glue! The chief active ingredient in this glue is polyvinyl acetate. Good luck with your project!
59. What are some characteristics of bulk solids that can affect their ability to flow properly?
Four (4) main factors to consider include moisture content, temperature, particle size (and shape), and time at rest.
1) An increase in moisture content will generally make solids more “sticky”. Some solids will absorb moisture from the air, which is why nitrogen is often used as a carrier gas (among other reasons).
2) For some solids, their ability to flow can be adversely impacted by temperature or even the length of time that the particles are exposed to a specific temperature. For example, soybean meal flows nicely at 90 °F but start to form large bridges at 100 °F.
3) Generally, the finer a bulk solid becomes, the more cohesive the particles. Round particles are generally easier to handle than “stringy” or oddly shaped particles.
As particles rest in a bin, they can compact together from their own weight. This can create strong bonds between the particles.
4) Often times, re-initiating flow can break these bonds and the solids will flow as normal, but this can depend on the load at given locations in the bin.
60. What is a “saltation velocity” and how is it used in designing pneumatic conveying systems?
The saltation velocity is defined as the actual gas velocity (in a horizontal pipe run) at which the particles of a homogeneous solid flow will start to fall out of the gas stream.
In designing, the saltation velocity is used as a basis for choosing the design gas velocity in a pneumatic conveying system. Usually, the saltation gas velocity is multiplied by a factor, which is dependent on the nature of the solids, to arrive at a design gas velocity.
For example, the saltation velocity factor for fine particles may be about 2.5 while the factor could be as high as five for course particles such as soybeans could.
61. How can one determine the particle size distribution for a given bulk solid?
While there are high-tech methods of performing such an analysis (laser-diffraction and video imaging system are available), the simplest way is to use a sieve stack. For example, to analyze a particular solid, one would stack several different mesh sizes into a cylinder with the largest mesh opening on the top and progress down through the cylinder to finer mesh. The cylinder would contain a pan on the bottom.
Before beginning, weight the test sample, each piece of mesh, and the pan. Then, the sample is loaded into the top of the test cylinder and the cylinder is exposed to a combination of movements (shaken) to allow the solids to pass through the appropriate mesh sizes.
62. What is the most common cause of solid size segregation in bulk solid systems?
Many engineers usually point directly to the pneumatic conveying system as a source of such a problem. The truth is that in most cases, segregation occurs because of the differences in sizes of the articles. As a rule-of-thumb, if the size ratio extends outside of around 1:1.3, then there will most likely be segregation.
This being said, one should inspect the equipment responsible for determining the particle size rather than the pneumatic conveying system if this problem is occurring. Reference: Richard Farnish, the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology
63. What can cause bulk solids to stop flowing from a bin?
Causes of such problems can fall into one of two categories: Material strength or Bin Geometry: Factors that can affect material strength include. Moisture is especially with particles, which fuse together with moisture.
64. What is the practical particle size limit for pneumatic conveying?
As a rule, pneumatic conveying will work for particles up to 2 inches in diameter with a typical density. By “typical density”, we mean that a 2 inch particle of a polymer resin can be moved via pneumatic conveying, but a 2 inch lead ball would not.
65. What is pneumatic conveying?
Pneumatic conveying is a method of moving bulk solids from one place to another with the help of a carrier gas. A differential pressure is applied inside a conveying line. The flow always moves from a region of higher to lower pressure.
66. What types of pneumatic conveying systems are typically used?
Essentially, there are two types of pneumatic conveying systems. In dilute phase systems, the solids are suspended in the carrier gas and transported to their destination. In dense phase systems, the solids-to-gas ratio is much higher. The gas in these systems acts more like a piston to push the product to its final destination.
Dilute phase systems are more typical than dense phase systems because they can employ positive pressure displacement or a vaccum system. Dense phase conveying is useful if the product degrades easily (works at lower velocities) or is particularly abrasive.
67. What is the most common carrier gas used in pneumatic conveying?
While many applications utilize air as a carrier gas, others are not suited for using air. For example, if the substance being conveyed reactions with moisture in the air or if there is a threat of dust explosions, nitrogen is likely choice.
68. What are some common problems associated with dense phase pneumatic conveying?
Dense phase pneumatic conveying, typically experiences one common problem from system to system: plugging in the line due to a malfunctioning booster valve. Dense phase systems require these booster systems to introduce new, pressurized air. These boosters are nearly always accompanied by a check valve. If the check valve becomes stuck, the product is allowed to plug the line.
69. What are some common problems associated with dilute phase pneumatic conveying?
Probably the most common problem encountered in dilute phase pneumatic conveying is the wearing of the rotary valve that serves as an air lock where the product is introduced into the system. If excess air is allowed to pass by the rotary valve, this can cause bridging of the material the flow can be slowed or stopped.
70. What is some common piping materials used to transport slurries?
When selecting a piping material to transport slurries, corrosion and erosion considerations must be accounted for.
Some of the most popular piping materials include:
? Carbon Steel
? Stainless Steel
? High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
? Acrylonitrile butadiene stryene (ABS)
? Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC)
? Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP)
? Elastomer-lined carbon steel