Important PS Admin Interview Questions
Q – 1 Explain What are the differences between RowClass and RowSet in PeopleSoft?
Ans- Row class is the component object where it binds all the row’s in all level will be in the buffer
Row set is the set of rows that are in the level one from there for every rowset you can access the data in the level two
Q – 2 Explain Where are workflow work items found?
Ans- Worklist
Q – 3 How to login into BS mode?
Ans- DB Access Id
Q – 4 Do you know What Record Changes does not affect Database?
Ans- Change in List box in Record Field properties (correct)
Q – 5 Explain How many Message nodes are possible for a database?
Ans- Unlimited
Q – 6 Explain Which of the following are part of an AE program?
Ans- Section, Step and Action
Q – 7 Tell me Which one of the following is a transaction control statement?
Ans- Commit
Q – 8 Tell me What views available in Application Designer project workspace?
Ans- Development and Upgrade
Q – 9 Suppose If you want to log into DataMover in Bootstrap mode, you would login as?
Ans- Database superuser
Q – 10 Explain What are the Search Keys you use to find Patches and Fixes?
1. Release
2. Updated date time
3. Report Id
Q – 11 Suppose You want to update your password and enter a hint for forgotten password. What would you access?
Ans- User Profile