Important Information Technology Interview Questions Part – 3
Q – 91 What designates where the next action occurs?
Ans- Select
Q – 92 Which was an early mainframe computer?
(Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was the first electronic general-purpose computer. It was Turing-complete, digital, and capable of being reprogrammed to solve “a large class of numerical problems”.
Q – 93 To select text by shading as you drag the mouse arrow over the text is known as?
Ans- To highlight
Q – 94 Another word for ‘Graphics for a word processor’?
Ans- Clip art
Q – 95 What is JPG?
Ans- A format for an image file.
Q – 96 A dual-layer DVD is valued because it:
Ans- Can hold more data
Q – 97 In which decade was the transistor invented?
Ans- 1940s.
On December 23, 1947, William Shockley, Walter Brattain and John Bardeen, of Bell Labs, announced their discovery of the point-contact germanium transistor to management.
Q – 98 How many diodes are in a full wave bridge rectifier?
Ans- 4.
Device used to convert AC to DC voltage.
Q – 99 In what terms the speed of net access is defined?
Ans- Kbps.
Short for kilobits per second, a measure of data transfer speed.
Q – 100 What is an FET?
Ans- Field Effect Transistor
Q – 101 How do you subscribe to an Internet mailing list?
Ans- Send e-mail to the list manager.
Q – 102 Computers calculate numbers in what mode?
Ans- Binary.
Q – 103 The letters, “DOS” stand for?
Ans- Disk Operating System.
Q – 104 What is a valid e-mail address?
Ans- [email protected]
Q – 105 What does CPU stand for?
Ans- Central Processing Unit.
Q – 106 Once the active medium is excited, the first photons of light are produced by which physical process?
Ans- Spontaneous emission.
Spontaneous emission is what you see with most “glow in the dark” toys. You excite the toy by exposing it to bright light, then the toy glows in the dark by spontaneously emitting photons as the excited atoms relax back down to their normal state.
Q – 107 List a name of any search engine?
Ans- Google.
Q – 108 The “desktop” of a computer refers to?
Ans- The visible screen.
Q – 109 Your computer has gradually slowed down. What’s the most likely cause?
Ans- Adware/spyware is infecting your PC.
Q – 110 In a Digital circuit, what is 1 ‘AND’ 1?
Ans- 1.
Q – 111 What is the difference between the Internet and an intranet?
Ans- One is public, the other is private.
Q – 112 Modem stands for?
Ans- Modulator Demodulater.
A modem (modulator-demodulator) is a device or program that enables a computer to transmit data over, for example, telephone or cable lines.
Q – 113 Which device can be used to store charge?
Ans- Capacitor.
Can be used in filtering circuits, also.
Q – 114 Blue is what number on the resistor color code?
Ans- 6.
Q – 115 Changing computer language of 1’s and 0’s to characters that a person can understand is?
Ans- Decode.
Q – 116 What’s a web browser?
Ans- A software program that allows you to access sites on the World Wide Web.
Q – 117 – is an example of what?
Ans- A URL.
A URL (Uniform {or Universal} Resource Locator) is an address for a specific document found on the Web. It is made up of several components: a domain name, the directories and subdirectories of the site, and the extension. To learn about these parts of a URL, visit the Evaluating Web Sites tutorial.
Q – 118 How many bits is a byte?
Ans- 8.
The byte (/ˈbaɪt/) is a unit of digital information in computing and telecommunications that most commonly consists of eight bits.
Q – 119 What does AC and DC stand for in the electrical field?
Ans- Alternating Current and Direct Current.
Electricity is voltage and current. Voltage is electrical pressure, and current is the flow of charged particles. The difference between alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) is that the electrons in an AC circuit regularly reverse their direction. In a DC circuit electrons always flow in the same direction.
Q – 120 The average power (in watts) used by a 20 to 25 inch home color television is?
Ans- 70-100.
About the same as as the most popular light bulb size.
Q – 121 ‘DTP’ computer abbreviation usually means?
Ans- DeskTop Publishing.
Q – 122 The input used by an antenna or cable to a TV set uses frequencies called?
Ans- RF.
RF is radio frequency. IF is intermediate frequency used inside the TV for processing. AF is audio frequency. SAP is second audio program which may have another language or other soundtrack as an option to the main soundtrack.
Q – 123 Compact discs, (according to the original CD specifications) hold how many minutes of music?
Ans- 74 mins.
According to many stories surrounding the origin of the compact disc, 74 minutes was settled on because it would comfortably contain all of Beethoven’s 9th symphony on one disc. Although some stories reference a specific Sony higher-up who claimed this as his favorite piece of music, stories differ. All that’s known for sure is that Sony insisted on this and won out over Phillips’ original 60 minute proposal.
Q – 124 What is the term to ask the computer to put information in order numerically or alphabetically?
Ans- Sort
Q – 125 Voltage is sometimes referred to as EMF, or Electromotive?
Ans- Force.
The term EMF, or Electromotive Force, its use now in decline, is attributed to Italian physicist Alessandro Volta (1745-1827). Today we generally use the term “voltage” – can you guess why we call it that?
Q – 126 Larger buildings may be supplied with a medium voltage electricity supply, and will required a substation or mini-sub. What is the main item of equipment contained in these?
Ans- Transformer.
The transformer is used to transform a medium voltage supply to a low voltage supply, e.g. from 11 000 V to 400 V. A transformer is rated in kVA, kilo-Volt-Amps, which is a measurement of electrical power.
Q – 127 What does EPROM stand for?
Ans- Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.
A chip found in alomst every microprocessor.
Q – 128 What was the active medium used in the first working laser ever constructed?
Ans- A ruby rod.
Theodore Maiman built the first working laser using a ruby rod while working at Hughes Research Laboratories in Malibu, California. It lased for the first time on May 16, 1960.
Q – 129 Who co-created the UNIX operating system in 1969 with Dennis Richie?
Ans- Ken Thompson
Q – 130 ‘.BAK’ extension refers usually to what kind of file?
Ans- Backup file
Q – 131 Where is the headquarters of Intel located?
Ans- Santa Clara, California.
Q – 132 ‘CD’ computer abbreviation usually means?
Ans- Compact Disc.
Compact disc (CD) is a digital optical disc data storage format. The format was originally developed to store and play only sound recordings but was later adapted for storage of data (CD-ROM).
Q – 133 In which decade was the ARRL founded?
Ans- 1910s.
On April 6, 1914, Hiram Percy Maxim proposed the formation of the American Radio Relay League.
Q – 134 Who built the world’s first binary digit computer: Z1?
Ans- Konrad Zuse.
Q – 135 What will a UPS be used for in a building?
Ans- To provide power to essential equipment.
UPS stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply. Examples of equipment that may require a UPS supply are computers, fire detection systems, hospital operating theatre equipment and escape route lighting.
Q – 136 What are three types of lasers?
Ans- Gas, solid state, diode.
The first laser was a solid state laser. Solid state refers to any solid material like a glass rod. Diode lasers are very common because they are used to read compact disks and digital video disks in computers, CD players, and DVD players. Before diode lasers, the most common type of laser may have been the helium-neon laser, in which the active medium is a combination of the two gasses helium and neon.
Q – 137 “FET” is a type of transistor, Its full name is ________ Effect Transistor?
Ans- Field.
The terminals of FETs are called gate, drain and source. You might be more familiar with bipolar junction transistors (BJTs), which have terminals called base, collector and emitter. FETs were conceptualized first, but BJTs were easier to produce and so developed sooner.
Q – 138 In which country The NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) is also used?
Ans- Japan.
Q – 139 Which is not an acceptable method of distributing small power outlets throughout an open plan office area?
Ans- Extension Cords.
Extension cords can be a tripping hazard, and can be easily damaged, causing an unsafe situation. There are many ways of safely getting power to each work place, where wiring is protected and concealed.
Q – 140 After the first photons of light are produced, which process is responsible for amplification of the light?
Ans- Stimulated emission.
The word “laser” is actually an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Atoms or molecules of the active medium that have been excited to a higher energy level are stimulated by a passing photon to relax to a lower energy level and emit a photon that is indistinguishable from the passing photon, thereby increasing the number of photons like the incident one.
Q – 141 What do we call a network whose elements may be separated by some distance? It usually involves two or more small networks and dedicated high-speed telephone lines?
Ans- WAN (Wide Area Network)
Q – 142 Who created Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)?
Ans- Phil Zimmermann.
Phil Zimmermann created the first version of PGP encryption in 1991. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a data encryption and decryption computer program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication. PGP is often used for signing, encrypting and decrypting texts, E-mails, files, directories and whole disk partitions to increase the security of e-mail communications.
Q – 143 Electromagnetic coils on the neck of the picture tube or tubes which pull the electron beam from side to side and up and down are called?
Ans- Yoke.
Twisting the yoke will tilt the picture. A projection color television uses three picture tubes and yokes for red, green and blue light.
Q – 144 The sampling rate, (how many samples per second are stored) for a CD is…?
Ans- 44.1 kHz.
CDs reproduce 44,100 samples per second. Which has a maximum frequency reproduction of 22,050 Hz, or just a hair past the upper limit of human hearing. In this way CDs can theoretically reproduce any frequency in the human hearing range.
Q – 145 ‘.TMP’ extension refers usually to what kind of file?
Ans- Temporary file.
Q – 146 ‘.TXT’ extension refers usually to what kind of file?
Ans- Text File.
Q – 147 What was the first ARPANET message?
Ans- “lo”
Q – 148 In what year was the “@” chosen for its use in e-mail addresses?
Ans- 1972
Q – 149 What does AM mean?
Ans- Amplitude modulation.
Amplitude modulation was the first type to be used in radio. It works well with HF and morse code.
Q – 150 ‘.JPG’ extension refers usually to what kind of file?
Ans- Image file.
Q – 151 What do we call a collection of two or more computers that are located within a limited distance of each other and that are connected to each other directly or indirectly?
Ans- Local Area Network
Q – 152 Which consists of two plates separated by a dielectric and can store a charge?
Ans- Capacitor.
Useful in tuning and filtering circuits, it blocks DC while passing AC. How much charge a capacitor can store is its capacitance, measured in farads.nn
Q – 153 The transformer that develops the high voltage in a home television is commonly called?
Ans- Flyback.
The flyback is usually connected to the system that pulls the electron beam across the screen in one direction to ‘paint’ a line of the image and then returns in the other direction much faster.
Q – 154 In a color television set using a picture tube a high voltage is used to accelerate electron beams to light the screen. That voltage is about?
Ans- 25 thousand volts.
This voltage often remains in storage even if the set is unplugged. Although the voltage is very high it has very low power but it can be dangerous because your body jumps if brought in contact.
Q – 155 What is United States television broadcast standard?
Ans- NTSC.
PAL and SECAM are standards used in other countries. RGB stands for red, green, and blue – the colors of light used to create an image in a color tv set and is often used as a format name for computer monitors.
Q – 156 ‘.INI’ extension refers usually to what kind of file?
Ans- System file
Q – 157 ‘DB’ computer abbreviation usually means?
Ans- Database
Q – 158 When measuring the characteristics of a small-signal amplifier, say for a radio receiver, one might be concerned with its “Noise…”?
Ans- Figure.
“Noise figure” is one critical parameter for determining the “quality” of a low-noise, small-signal, amplifier, and perhaps more importantly, the sensitivity of the overall receiver system. It is especially important for VHF (very high frequency) – and higher frequency – designs where most of the undesired “noise” (noise that masks or overpowers the desired signals) is generated internal to the electronics itself. In HF (high frequency) applications, atmospheric noise plays a much larger role in determining overall useful sensitivity, so a circuit’s “noise figure” is less important.
Q – 159 In which year was MIDI(dress) introduced?
Ans- 1983
Q – 160 What does the term PLC stand for?
Ans- Programmable Logic Controller.
Used in manufacturing, engineering, and process operations.
Q – 161 A given signal’s second harmonic is twice the given signal’s __________ frequency…?
Ans- Fundamental.
A given signal’s second harmonic is twice the given signal’s fundamental frequency. Harmonics are generated when there are non-linearities in an amplifier (there are always non-linearities). The worse the non-linearities, the more harmonics. A signal at 27.5 MHz (approximate frequency for US citizen’s band) would have a second harmonic at 55.0 MHz (on US channel 2!). Can you see why there might be problems? A CB operator might do well to place a low-pass filter on his radio.
Q – 162 What is the relationship between resistivity r and conductivity s?
Ans- R = 1/s
Q – 163 ‘.MOV’ extension refers usually to what kind of file?
Ans- Animation/movie file
Q – 164 ‘OS’ computer abbreviation usually means?
Ans- Operating System.
Q – 165 What is part of a database that holds only one type of information?
Ans- Field.
Q – 166 Which motor is NOT suitable for use as a DC machine?
Ans- Squirrel cage motor.
The squirrel cage motor is the only one without any connection to the armature.
Q – 167 What is the first step to getting output from a laser is to excite an active medium. What is this process called?
Ans- Pumping.
A collection of atoms or molecules that can be excited to a higher energy state is called an active medium. Before lasing can occur, the active media is “pumped”. The process of raising the atoms in the active media from a lower energy state to a higher state is like pumping water up from a well.
Q – 168 What frequency range is the High Frequency band?
Ans- 3 to 30 MHz.
The HF band is based on frequencies 3 to 30 Mhz. AM radio stations are in the HF band but normally are stated in kilohertz.
Q – 169 In which decade with the first transatlantic radio broadcast occur?
Ans- 1900s.
On December 12, 1901, a radio transmission received by Guglielmo Marconi resulted in the first transmission of a transatlantic wireless signal (Morse Code) from Poldhu, Cornwall, to St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Q – 170 In which decade was the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) founded?
Ans- 1880s.
The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) was formed in 1963 by the merger of the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE, founded 1912) and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE, founded 1884).
Q – 171 What does VVVF stand for?
Ans- Variable Voltage Variable Frequency.
It is a method of controlling the speed of an AC induction motor, whereby speed, current and torque can all be accurately controlled.
Q – 172 The most common format for a home video recorder is VHS. VHS stands for?
Ans- Video Home System.
JVC (Japan Victor Corporation) and Matsushita (Panasonic) developed the VHS format to compete with Sony which developed the Beta format as the first home video cassette recorder. VHS originally stood for Vertical Helical Scan, but now means Video Home System.
Q – 173 Made from a variety of materials, such as carbon, which inhibits the flow of current…?
Ans- Resistor.
So named because it resists (or inhibits) the flow of current.
Q – 174 Who developed Yahoo?
Ans- David Filo & Jerry Yang.
Q – 175 Who is largely responsible for breaking the German Enigma codes, created a test that provided a foundation for artificial intelligence?
Ans- Alan Turing.
Q – 176 ‘.MPG’ extension refers usually to what kind of file?
Ans- Animation/movie file.
Q – 177 What is the purpose of choke in tube light is?
Ans- To increase the voltage momentarily.
Q – 178 Which is a type of Electrically-Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory?
Ans- Flash.
It’s commonly used for MP3 players, computer BIOS code and “thumb” drives. Originally developed in Japan by Toshiba, it has become quite popular for products requiring non-volatile erasable memory. Flash devices have a limited number of erase cycles (typically 10,000 to 1,000,000 cycles) so they’re not as good a choice for applications in which the data changes constantly.
However, since it has no moving parts (unlike a hard disk) it is an excellent choice for storing the operating code for small personal electronics like PDAs, cell phones, digital cameras, and the data in items like MP3 players.
Q – 179 Most modern TV’s draw power even if turned off. The circuit the power is used in does what function?
Ans- Remote control.
Some authorities are recommending TV’s, VCR’s and Stereo’s be connected to power strips with switches and turned off when not in use to save energy. Your remote will not work until power is switched back on.
Q – 180 In which decade was the SPICE simulator introduced?
Ans- C. 1970s
SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) was introduced in May 1972 by the University of Berkeley, California.