Latest Joomla Multiple choice Questions
Joomla can be installed manually from source code on a system running a web server which supports __________applications.
B. Adobe Flash Player
D. Java
Ans: C
If Content – Load Module plugin is enabled. What is the code that can be used to insert a module inside a Joomla article content or inside another module?:
A. JHtml::_(‘module_position’);
B. jimport(‘joomla.application.module.helper’);
C. {loadposition module-position}
D. $document->loadRenderer(‘module’);
Ans: C
Which of the following is not a benefit of Joomla?
A. Multiuser and Multilevel environment
B. Usage of byte code for porting
C. WYSIWYG editor
D. Additional components / modules
Ans: B
If a user is receiving Restricted Access error messages on some pages in Joomla, how can it be resolved?
A. By changing admin password
B. By checking internet connectivity
C. By checking your permissions
D. By re-installing the same version
Ans: C
Which file would be used to change the design aspect of a Joomla! template (font color, font size, background color etc) ?
A. .css file
B. .html.erb file
C. .html file
D. .js file
Ans: A
Which of the following are the correct server requirements for Joomla?
A. Java SE6 x or above; MySQL 3.23.x or above; Apache 1.3.x or above
B. PHP 4.2.x or above; SYBASE 3.23.x or above; Apache 1.3.x or above
C. PHP 4.2.x or above; MySQL 3.23.x or above; Apache 1.3.x or above
D. Java SE6 x or above; SYBASE 3.23.x or above; Apache 1.3.x or above
Ans: C
You can have templates for both the front-end ( and back-end (admin side) of a Joomla site?
Ans: B
Who are capable of changing attributes in Global Configuration?
A. Editor
B. Contributor
C. Super User
D. Author
Ans: C
Which of the following Web application frameworks comprises Joomla?
A. Digital-View-Controller
B. Model-View-Distracter
C. Channel-View-Controller
D. Model-View-Controller
Ans: D
A Joomla! administrator can restrict access to specific articles
Ans: B
How do you take a site off-line?
A. Change the index.html
B. RedirecT to another location
C. You can not take the site offline
D. Move site from location in cPanel.
E. Go to Global Configuration and select “site offline”.
Ans: E
What does CMS stand for in Joomla?
A. Content Management System
B. Content Migration System
C. Copyright Maintenance System
D. Code Management System
Ans: A
Which of the following is the official Joomla Website?
Ans: C
Can you enable RSS in Joomla?
A. Only in older version
B. Yes
C. Only in latest version
D. No
Ans: B
Which of the following is Joomla?
A. Learning Management System
B. Content Development System
C. Learning Development System
D. Content Management System
Ans: D
Joomla instalation has a sample data setup?
A. no
B. yes
Ans: B
True or false? One can insert a YouTube video in Joomla.
A. False
B. True
Ans: B
True or False? Joomla is written in PHP.
A. False
B. True
Ans: B
Joomla is written in which of the following languages or frameworks?
A. javascript
B. java
C. php
D. .net
Ans: C
Which is needed to successfully install Joomla!
A. Ruby
B. MongoDB
D. Rails
Ans: C
In which of the following does Joomla store its data?
B. MySQL Database
C. Postgre SQL
D. Oracle Database
Ans: B
In which of the following software languages is Joomla written?
A. C++
B. .Net
D. Java
Ans: C
What does OOP stand for?
A. Object Over Passage
B. Object Oriented Passage
C. Object Object Programming
D. Object Oriented Programming
Ans: D
When creating a Model for a Joomla! website, what scripting language is used?
A. Perl
C. Javascript
Ans: D
Is it possible to move Joomla to another directory?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Only in older version
D. Only in latest version
Ans: A
By default, the Joomla! administration backend is only available to site administrators.
Ans: B
What does JCE stands for in Joomla JCE?
A. Java Content Editor
B. Joomla Content Editor
C. Joomla copyright Editor
D. Joomla course Editor
Ans: B
True of false? You can integrate XML-RPC services with the Blogger and Joomla APIs
A. True
B. False
Ans: A
True or false? The index.php file is a combination of HTML and PHP code.
A. False
B. True
Ans: B
What does MVC stand for?
A. Model View Controller
B. Most Viewed Controller
C. Media View Content
D. Media Video Content
Ans: A
The core editor events apply to plugins that provide editor functionality such TinyMCE or XStandard Lite.
A. False
B. True
Ans: B
What are Extensions?
A. Add-ons to the Joomla core, both paid and free.
B. A method for extending menus out.
C. A way to add more pages to your site.
D. Add-ons you need to purchase for the Joomla core.
Ans: A
How does one view an article’s source code while in edit mode?
A. You can’t do that in Joomla!
B. Toggle the source code editor.
C. You can only access articles by using an FTP client.
Ans: B
Which of the following Joomla components or modules is not installed by default?
A. (all of these)
B. Joom!Fish
C. Login
D. Search
Ans: B
Joomla’s admin username can be easily changed with a simple query on __________.
B. Linux OS
C. Java
Ans: D
Where should a developer begin looking for information regarding Joomla!?
Ans: A
Backups are done automatically by Joomla?
A. False
B. True
Ans: A
Which of the following techniques does Joomla use for programming and software design patterns?
A. Model-oriented programming(MOP)
B. Subject-oriented programming(SOP)
C. Object-oriented programming(OOP)
D. Visual-oriented programming(VOP)
Ans: C
Which of the following is not one of the five types of extensions for Joomla?
A. Plugins
B. Templates
C. Modules
D. Media
Ans: D
The term “ACL” is used in Joomla to refers to:
A. The “Advanced Component Level” system
B. The “Access Control List” system
C. The “Anti-piracy Control” Level system
Ans: B
Is it possible to add content items from the Joomla! frontend?
A. Yes
B. Only if the Joomla! source code is modified.
C. No
D. Only if a third-party Joomla! extension has been installed.
Ans: A
What is a Mambot?
A. a small, task-oriented function that intercepts content before it is displayed and manipulates it in some way.
B. a function that divides the page into number of positions, each with a different name
C. an HTML page that is managed by admin
Ans: A
Which of the following files you rename to .htaccess to enable mod_rewrite?
A. htaccess.php
B. htaccess.txt
C. All of the above
Ans: B
If a user is receiving ‘RG_Emulation is On’ warning in Joomla’s admin area, then a user needs to…
A. Upgrade to latest version
B. Re-install the existing version
C. Change admin password
D. Turn off the RG_Emulation
Ans: D
Which of the following is a correct way to link an external Javascript file called sample.js to a Joomla! page?
A. <%= $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScript(‘/media/system/js/sample.js’); %>
B. addScript(‘/media/system/js/sample.js’); erb?>
C. addScript(‘/media/system/js/sample.css’); ?>
D. addScript(‘/media/system/js/sample.js’); ?>
Ans: D
Which type of files can Media Manager NOT upload?
A. .png
B. Media Manager can upload all of these
C. .xls
D. .pdf
Ans: B
When adding an image to a Joomla! article, which of the following is not an image property?
A. Opacity
B. Title
C. Description
D. Alignment
Ans: A
What is the number that corresponds to “Enable” in Joomla when using code editor for config.php?
A. 0
B. 4
C. 3
D. 1
E. 9
Ans: D
How do you change the default editor in Joomla! 2.5?
A. From the Systems menu select Global Editor then select a default editor from the drop down list.
B. From the Site menu select Global Configuration then select a default editor from the drop down list.
C. Press CTRL+E (Command + E on the Mac) and select a default editor from the drop down list.
D. From the System Menu select Editor then select a default editor from the drop down list.
E. Rewrote question and answers.
Ans: B
Which database system is not supported by Joomla! 3.x ?
C. PostgreSQL
D. MongoDB
Ans: D
What is the role of template metadata file in the System?
A. It contains the basic authorship information.
B. (all of these choices)
C. It contains the information about the parameters that will be available for configuration through the administrator interface.
D. It contains the information about the files that make up the template.
Ans: B
If you have a module compatible with j 2.5 can you use it automatically with 3.x
A. True
B. False
Ans: B
What databases store data in Joomla?
A. MS SQL and Postgresql
B. Postgresql and MySQL
D. SQL and Postgresql
Ans: C
To enable ReCaptcha in Joomla you need to do the following?
A. Enable the ReCaptcha plugin
B. Signup on the ReCaptcha website and generate the API keys, set the Default Captcha to ReCaptcha in the Site/Global Configuration settings and enable the ReCaptcha plugin and enter your keys.
C. This is only possible through third-party plugins
D. Set the Default Captcha to ReCaptcha in the Site/Global Configuration settings
Ans: B
In module “helper.php” can we call function_b() in function_a() without helper a class name reference?
A. Yes
B. No
Ans: A
Which of the following is NOT a feature of Joomla DOCman?
A. Storing documents either locally or remotely for your system
B. Integrated Spellchecking using Google Spellchecker
C. Assigning users level permission for upload, download and document edit
D. Manage documents in multiple categories and subcategories
Ans: B
The default folder for files used by the Media Manager can’t be changed?
A. False
B. True
Ans: A
Which of the following files does the ‘ /includes’ directory NOT contain?
A. framework.php
B. it contains none of these options
C. defines.php
D. application.php
Ans: B
The Joomla Framework and the Content Management System (CMS) are exactly the same?
A. True
B. False
Ans: B
Which is not a correct way of installing a new template to your Joomla! page
A. Install content from a template
B. Install via GitHub
C. Install via FTP
D. Install via Admin Panel
Ans: B
JFTP: Access is Denied. How can you solve this error?
A. Re-install the site.
B. Ask for FTP password from webhosting provider.
C. Disable FTP access options in Joomla
Ans: C
What will happen if we set the SSL enabled option to On?
A. It will secure the joomla site
B. This option will make the link from the menu end with an .php
C. This option will make the link from the menu begin with an https://
D. All of the Above
E. It will make get all form details in url at the top
Ans: C
Why does Joomla use templateDetails.xml files?
A. To provide information and allow selection of the template within the template manager.
B. To debug your style sheets.
C. All of the above
D. To access the template from within by using code
Ans: A
What would you use to create tabbed panels in your custom Joomla component?
A. JPane
B. JHtml::_(‘tabs.start’);
C. JTabbedPanel
Ans: B
Only members of this group are allowed to install Joomla! components, modules, and/or plugins.
A. Administrators and Super Administrators
B. Super Administrators
C. All of the above
D. Users
E. Managers
Ans: B
In Joomla if you find any client requests such as: – – [29/Oct/2008:06:07:30 -0500] “GET /index.php? HTTP/1.1” 200 10864 “-” “Firefox” It means…
A. Your Joomla has been hacked
B. Your Joomla is outdated
C. Your Joomla has expired
D. Your Joomla is mis-configured
Ans: A
How many Access Levels are there in Joomla by default?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 9
E. 3
Ans: E
Which Joomla file provides the central logic of the template including any module and component display?
A. configuration.php
B. controller.php
C. TemplateDetails.xml
D. index.php
Ans: D
Guest is the default Access Level for unregistered users in Joomla
A. True
B. False
Ans: B
What is the name of the template directory where component or model view overrides should be placed?
A. default
B. xhtml
C. view
D. html
E. template
Ans: D
If you need to override the layout of some module in Joomla, what procedure is right?
A. You need to copy the files from your modulename/tmpl folder to html/modulename/ folder in active Joomla template
B. You need to copy the files from your modulename/tmpl folder to html/modulename/tmpl folder in active Joomla template
C. You need to copy the complete module folder inside active Joomla template/html folder
D. You need to copy the complete module folder inside active Joomla template folder
Ans: A
If you have a Joomla! site with a component named ‘hello’, model named ‘hi’, what would be that models class name?
A. HiModelHello
B. HelloClassModel
C. HelloModelHi
D. ModelHelloHi
Ans: C
Which PHP file does the index.php file load to provide the menu bar to the administrator interface?
A. mod_menu.php
B. Component.php
C. Toolbar.php
D. .htaccess
Ans: C
To use search engine friendly (SEF) URL’s in Joomla you must have mod_rewrite enabled in Apache?
A. No
B. Yes
Ans: A
Which Creational pattern is used by Joomla Classes particularly for database access?
A. Builder Pattern
B. Abstract Factory Pattern
C. Singleton Pattern
D. All of these
Ans: B
What is the file for edit “Meta Generator” of Joomla ?
A. configurations.php
B. includes/application.php
C. index.php
D. administrator/index.php
E. templates/gantry/index.php
Ans: B
Which of the following functions can be performed by Joomla Repository?
A. Integrated Spellchecking using Google Spellchecker
B. Managing documents in multiple categories and subcategories
C. Hosting local and remote files for download by site visitors
D. Storing documents either locally or remotely for your system
Ans: C
How many user groups does Joomla have by default?
A. 5
B. 9
C. 8
D. 6
E. 7
Ans: B
If a user is receiving Restricted Access error messages on some pages in Joomla, which of the following would be the problem?
A. Installation problem
B. Older Joomla versions
C. Hacking of Joomla application
D. Bad internet connectivity
Ans: B
Contact information is automatically created when a new user registers in Joomla?
A. Always, if the Contact Component is enabled
B. Only if the Contact Component is enabled and Allow User Registration is set to Yes
C. Only if the User – Contact Creator plugin has been enabled
D. Only if Allow User Registration is set to Yes in the User Manager
Ans: C