100 Updated SAP ABAP Interview Questions
Q – 81 What is a batch input session?
Ans- BATCH INPUT SESSION is an intermediate step between internal table and database table. Data along with the action is stored in session i.e. data for screen fields, to which screen it is passed, program name behind it, and how next screen is processed.
Create session – BDC_OPEN_GROUP
Insert batch input – BDC_INSERT
Close session – BDC_CLOSE_GROUP
Q – 82 What are field symbols and field groups? Have you used component idx of structure clause with field groups?
Ans- Field Symbols – They are placeholder or symbolic names for the other fields. They do not physically reserve space for a field, but point to its contents. It can point to any data objects.
Field Groups – Field groups does not reserve storage space but contains pointers to existing fields.
An extract dataset consists of a sequence of records. These records may have different structures. All records with the same structure form a record type. You must define each record type of an extract dataset as a field group, using the FIELD-GROUPS statement.
Q – 83 What is the typical structure of an ABAP program?
Q – 84 What is the difference between sum and collect?
Ans- Sum: You can only use this statement within a LOOP. If you use SUM in an AT – ENDAT block, the system calculates totals for the numeric fields of all lines in the current line group and writes them to the corresponding fields in the work area.
If you use the SUM statement outside an AT – ENDAT block (single entry processing), the system calculates totals for the numeric fields of all lines of the internal table in each loop pass and writes them to the corresponding fields of the work area. It therefore only makes sense to use the SUM statement in AT…ENDAT blocks.
If the table contains a nested table, you cannot use the SUM statement. Neither can you use it if you are using a field symbol instead of a work area in the LOOP statement.
Q – 85 What are System Variable in ABAP?
Ans- System variables have been predefined by SAP. We can use these variables in formulas or, for example, to pass on certain pieces of information to a function module. How the function called by the function module behaves depends on the type of information passed on.
Q – 86 How many maximum sessions can be open in SAPgui?
Ans- There are maximum 6 sessions open in SAPgui.
Q – 87 How to debug a script in ABAP?
Ans- Go to SE71, give layout set name, go to utilities select debugger mode on.
Q – 88 What are the page windows? How many main windows will be there in a page window?
Ans- Page Window: In this window, we define the margins for left, width, upper and height for the layout of Header, Logo, Main, & Footer.
Q – 89 What is the difference between OPEN_FORM and CLOSE_FORM?
Ans- OPEN_FORM – This module opens layout set printing. This function must be called up before we can work with other layout set function like WRITE_FORM.
WRITE_FORM – Output text element in form window. The specified element of the layout set window entered is output. The element must be defined in the layout set.
CLOSE_FORM – End layout set printing. Form printing started with OPEN_FORM is completed. Possible closing operations on the form last opened are carried out. Form printing must be completed by this function module. If this is not carried out, nothing is printed or displayed on the screen.
Q – 90 What are the events we use in dialog programming and explain them?
Ans- There are two events in Dialog Programming i.e. screen:
1. PBO (Process Before Output) – Before the screen is displayed, the PBO event is processed.
2. PAI (Process After Input) – When the user interacts with the screen, the PAI event is processed.
3. POH (Process On Help) – are triggered when the user requests field help (F1). You can program the appropriate coding in the corresponding event blocks. At the end of processing, the system carries on processing the current screen.
4. POV (Process On Value) – are triggered when the user requests possible values help (F4). You can program the appropriate coding in the corresponding event blocks. At the end of processing, the system carries on processing the current screen.
Q – 91 Explain What are lock objects?
Ans- Reason for Setting Lock: Suppose a travel agent want to book a flight. The customer wants to fly to a particular city with a certain airline on a certain day. The booking must only be possible if there are still free places on the flight. To avoid the possibility of overbooking, the database entry corresponding to the flight must be locked against access from other transactions.
This ensures that one user can find out the number of free places, make the booking, and change the number of free places without the data being changed in the meantime by another transaction.
Q – 92 What is the difference between tables and structures?
Ans- Tables:
1) Data is permanently stored in tables in the database.
2) Database tables are generated from them.
1) It contains data temporarily during program run-time.
2) No Database tables are generated from it.
Q – 93 What are the check tables and value tables?
Check Table:
The ABAP Dictionary allows you to define relationships between tables using foreign keys . A dependent table is called a foreign key table, and the referenced table is called the check table. Each key field of the check table corresponds to a field in the foreign key table.
These fields are called foreign key fields. One of the foreign key fields is designated as the check field for checking the validity of values. The key fields of the check table can serve as input help for the check field.
Value Table:
Prior to Release 4.0, it was possible to use the value table of a domain to provide input help. This is no longer possible, primarily because unexpected results could occur if the value table had more than one key field. It was not possible to restrict the other key fields, which meant that the environment of the field was not considered, as is normal with check tables.
In cases where this kind of value help was appropriate, you can reconstruct it by creating a search help for the data elements that use the domain in question, and using the value table as the selection method.
Check table will be at field level checking.
Value table will be at domain level checking ex: scarr table is check table for carrid.
Q – 94 How to define Selection Screen?
Ans- Parameters, Select-options & Selection-Screen
Q – 95 What is the use of Table maintenance allowed?
Ans- Mark the Table maintenance allowed flag if users with the corresponding authorization may change the data in the table using the Data Browser (Transaction SE16). If the data in the table should only be maintained with programs or with the table view maintenance transaction (Transaction SM30), you should not set the flag.
Q – 96 What are the differences between SE01, SE09 and SE10?
Ans- SE01 – Correction & Transport Organizer
SE09 – Workbench Organizer
SE10 – Customizing Organizer
Q – 97 How can u write pro-grammatically value help to a field without using search help and match codes?
Ans- By using two types of function modules to be called in SAP Script:
Q – 98 How to declare select-option as a parameter?
Ans- SELECT-OPTIONS: specify are displayed on the selection screen for the user to enter values.
Parameters: dname like dept-dname.
Select-options: dname for dept-dname.
Q – 99 Can we have more than one selection-screen and how?
Ans- Yes, we can have more than one selection screen.
Selection-screen begin of block honey with frame title text-101.
Select-options : deptno for zrekha_deptt-deptno.
Selection-screen end of block honey.
Selection-screen begin of block honey1 with frame title text-102.
Select-options : dname for zrekha_deptt-dname.
Selection-screen end of block honey1.
Q – 100 What is the difference between Free and Refresh?
Ans- Free – You can use FREE to initialize an internal table and release its memory space without first using the REFRESH or CLEAR statement.
Like REFRESH, FREE works on the table body, not on the table work area. After a FREE statement, you can address the internal table again. It still occupies the amount of memory required for its header (currently 256 bytes). When you refill the table, the system has to allocate new memory space to the lines.
Refresh – This always applies to the body of the table. As with the CLEAR statement, the memory used by the table before you initialized it remains allocated. To release the memory space, use the statement
Q – 101 What is the inside concept in select-options?
Ans- Select-options specify are displayed on the selection screen for the user to enter values.
Different Properties of Select-options:
1) Visible Length
2) Matchcode Object
3) Memory ID
4) Lowercase
5) Obligatory
6) No Display
7) Modify ID
Q – 102 What is get cursor field?
Ans- GET CURSOR statement transfers the name of the screen element on which the cursor is positioned during a user action into the variable .
Q – 103 What are differences between At selection-screen and At selection-screen output?
Ans- AT SELECTION-SCREEN event is triggered in the PAI of the selection screen once the ABAP runtime environment has passed all of the input data from the selection screen to the ABAP program.
AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT – This event block allows you to modify the selection screen directly before it is displayed.
Q – 104 What are the differences between SAP memory and ABAP memory?
Ans- ABAP Memory is a memory area in the internal session (roll area) of an ABAP program. Data within this area is retained within a sequence of program calls, allowing you to pass data between programs that call one another. It is also possible to pass data between sessions using SAP Memory.
SAP Memory is a memory area to which all sessions within a SAPgui have access. You can use SAP memory either to pass data from one program to another within a session (as with ABAP memory) or to pass data from one session to another.
Q – 105 Can there be more than 1 main window in SAP Script?
Ans- No, there cannot be more than 1 main window in SAP Script because in WRITE_FORM, it asks for the parameter Window that will create the problem.
Q – 106 What is read line in ABAP?
Ans- READ LINE and READ CURRENT LINE – These statements are used to read data from the lines of existing list levels. These statements are closely connected to the HIDE technique.
Q – 107 System Table used in ABAP
1) Sales Document: Item Data – VBAP
2) Sales Document: Partner – VBPA
3) Sales Document: Header Data – VBAK
4) Sales Document Flow – VBFA
5) Sales Document: Delivery Item Data – LIPS
6) Customer Master – KNA1
7) Material Data – MARA
8) Conditions (Transaction Data) – KONV
Q – 108 Work most on which module: Name a few tables
Ans- Sales & Distribution Module
1) Sales Document: Item Data – VBAP
2) Sales Document: Partner – VBPA
3) Sales Document: Header Data – VBAK
4) Sales Document Flow – VBFA
5) Sales Document: Delivery Item Data – LIPS
6) Customer Master – KNA1
7) Material Data – MARA
8) Conditions (Transaction Data) – KONV
Q – 109 Function modules used in F4 help
Ans- There are two types of function modules used in F4 help:
Q – 110 Create any functions? How to go about it?
Ans- Steps for creating the Functions:
First Procedure:
1) /nSE37
2) Goto
3) Function Group (FG)
4) Create Group
5) Name of FG (ZREKHA_FG)
6) Short Text
7) Save
8) Local Object
Second Procedure
1) Environment
2) Inactive Object
3) Function Group (ZREKHA_FG)
4) Activate
5) Back
Third Procedure
1) Name of Function Module (ZREKHA_FM)
2) Create
3) Write FG Name (ZREKHA_FG)
4) Short Text
5) Save
Fourth Step:
Call function ‘ZREKHA_FM’.
Q – 111 How do u move on to the next screen in interactive reporting?
Ans- Write code of the following:
1) Top-of-Page during line-selection
2) At line-selection
Q – 112 How to write a BDC – how do u go about it?
Ans- Steps for writing BDC
1) /nSE38
2) Declare Tables, Data (for ITAB) and Data (for BDCITAB)
3) Call function ‘Upload’.
4) Write code for the First Screen, Radio Button, Filename, Change Button, Second Screen, Utilities (Create Entries), Third Screen and Save.
5) Call transaction ‘SE11′ using BDCITAB mode ‘A’.
6) Save, Check Errors, Activate and Execute.
Q – 113 If I forgot some command in SAP Script e.g.: suppress zero display – How to do find it?
Ans- Suppressing of entire screens is possible with this command. This command allows us to perform screen processing “in the background”. Suppressing screens is useful when we are branching to list-mode from a transaction dialog step.
Q – 114 If internal table used in for all entries in empty then what happens?
Ans- No, records will be displayed.
Q – 115 What are the difference between call screen and leave screen?
Ans- Call Screen:
Calling a single screen is a special case of embedding a screen sequence. If you want to prevent the called screen from covering the current screen completely, you can use the CALL SCREEN statement with the STARTING AT and ENDING AT
LEAVE SCREEN statement ends the current screen and calls the subsequent screen.
Q – 116 Logo in SAP Script?
Steps for making and inserting Logo in SAP Script:
First Procedure:
1) Draw the picture
2) Save it
3) /nSE78
4) Write name & Choose Color
5) Click on Import
6) Browse picture
7) Enter
Second Procedure
1) /nSE71
2) Insert
3) Graphics
4) Click on stored on document server
5) Execute
6) Choose name of BMAP
Q – 117 Systems fields used for Interactive Lists AND Lists
Ans- Interactive System Fields: SY-LSIND, SY-CPAGE, SY-LILLI, SY-LISEL, SY-LISTI,
Q – 118 How do u find out whether a file exits on the presentation server?
Ans- eps_get_directory_listing for directory
Q – 119 Different types of LUWs. What are they?
Ans- Two types of LUW are:
1) DB LUW – A database LUW is the mechanism used by the database to ensure that its data is always consistent. A database LUW is an inseparable sequence of database operations that ends with a database commit.
The database LUW is either fully executed by the database system or not at all. Once a database LUW has been successfully executed, the database will be in a consistent state. If an error occurs within a database LUW, all of the database changes since the beginning of the database LUW are reversed. This leaves the database in the state it had before the transaction started.
2) SAP LUW – A logical unit consisting of dialog steps, whose changes are written to the database in a single database LUW is called an SAP LUW. Unlike a database LUW, an SAP LUW can span several dialog steps, and be executed using a series of different work processes.
Q – 120 What is LUW?
Ans- Logical Unit of Work
Q – 121 Explain What are Extracts?
Ans- Extracts are dynamic sequential datasets in which different lines can have different structures. We can access the individual records in an extract dataset using a LOOP.
Q – 122 What are the function modules used in a SAP Script driver program?
Ans- There are three functions used in SAP Script:
Q – 123 What are the types of windows in SAP Script?
Ans- There are five Standard Layouts in SAP Script:
1) Page
2) Window
3) Page Window
4) Paragraph Format
5) Character Format
Q – 124 How do u display a data in a Detail List?
Ans- By using two statements:
1) Top-of-page during line-selection
2) At line-selection
Q – 125 What are joins and different types joins?
Ans- There are four types of Joins:
1) Self Join
2) Inner Join
3) Outer Join
4) Equi Join
Q – 126 What will you code in START-OF-SELECTION & END-OF-SELECTON & why?
Q – 127 Explain What is an RDBMS?
Ans- RDBMS – Relational Database Management System. It helps to create relationship between two or more table.
Q – 128 What are the events used in Interactive Reports?
Ans- There are three events of Interactive Reports:
I. At PF(nn)
II. At line-selection
III. At user-command
Q – 129 Advantages and Disadvantages of different types of BDC s?
Ans- Transaction Method:
1) It is faster than session method.
2) While executing, it starts from starting.
Session Method:
1) It is slower than transaction method.
2) While executing, it does not start from starting.
Q – 130 Types of BDC s?
Ans- There are two types of BDC’s:
1) Transaction Method
2) Session Method
Q – 131 Where do u code the HIDE statement?
Ans- In a LOOP statement
Q – 132 What is the significance of HIDE?
Ans- Its stores the click value and display the related record in the secondary list.
Q – 133 Explain What are the events in Screen Programming?
Ans- There are two events in Screen Programming:
1. PBO (Process Before Output) – Before the screen is displayed, the PBO event is processed.
2. PAI (Process After Input) – When the user interacts with the screen, the PAI event is processed.
3. POH (Process On Help) – are triggered when the user requests field help (F1). You can program the appropriate coding in the corresponding event blocks. At the end of processing, the system carries on processing the current screen.
4. POV (Process On Value) – are triggered when the user requests possible values help (F4). You can program the appropriate coding in the corresponding event blocks. At the end of processing, the system carries on processing the current screen.
Q – 134 Explain What is an RFC?
Ans- Remote Function Call
Q – 135 If you are using Logical Databases how will you modify the selection-screen elements?
Ans- Select-options : dname for deptt-dname
Q – 136 Explain What is the difference between Primary key and Unique Key?
Ans- Primary Key – It can accepts 0 value and cannot be NULL.
Unique Key – It can be NULL.
Q – 137 What is the transaction code for Table maintenance?
Ans- SM30
Q – 138 What are the system fields you have worked with? Explain?
Ans- I had worked with the following (30) system fields:
1) SY-DBSYS – Central Database
2) SY-HOST – Server
3) SY-OPSYS – Operating System
4) SY-SAPRL – SAP Release
5) SY-SYSID – System Name
6) SY-LANGU – User Logon Language
7) SY-MANDT – Client
8) SY-UNAME – Logon User Name
9) SY-DATLO – Local Date
10) SY-DATUM – Server Date
11) SY-TIMLO – Local Time
12) SY-UZEIT – Server Time
13) SY-DYNNR – Screen Number
14) SY-REPID – Current ABAP program
15) SY-TCODE – Transaction Code
16) SY-ULINE – Horizontal Line
17) SY-VLINE – Vertical Line
18) SY-INDEX – Number of current loop Pass
19) SY-TABIX – Current line of internal table
20) SY-DBCNT – Number of table entries processed
21) SY-SUBRC – Return Code
22) SY-UCOMM – Function Code
23) SY-LINCT – Page Length of list
24) SY-LINNO – Current Line
25) SY-PAGNO – Current Page Number
26) SY-LSIND – Index of List
27) SY-MSGID – Message Class
28) SY-MSGNO – Message Number
29) SY-MSGTY – Message Type
30) SY-SPONO – Spool number during printing
Q – 139 What are the commands used for interactive reports?
Ans- Top-of-Page during line-selection
Q – 140 Explain What are Interactive Reports?
Ans- An output list which displays just the basic details & allow user to interact, so that a new list is populated based on user-selection. With interactive list, the user can actively control data retrieval and display during the session.
Q – 141 What are the events used in ABAP in the order of execution?
Ans- Events are:
11. AT PF
12. GET
14. AT User Command
Q – 142 What are the data types of Internal Tables?
Ans- There are three types:
1) Line
2) Key
3) Table
Q – 143 What is the difference between Get and Get Late?
Ans- GET – After the logical database has read an entry from the node table Tag.
GET LATE – After all of the nodes of the logical database have been processed that are below
in the database hierarchy.
Q – 144 Explain What are the events used for Logical Database?
Ans- Two Events -1) GET – This is the most important event for executable programs that use a logical database. It occurs when the logical database has read a line from the nodeand made it available to the program in the work area declared using the statement NODES table Tag.
The depth to which the logical database is read is determined by the GET statements2) PUT – The PUT statement directs the program flow according to the structure of the logical database.
Q – 145 Explain What is a Logical Database?
Ans- Logical Databases are special ABAP programs that retrieve data and make it available to application programs.Use of LDB – is used to read data from database tables by linking them to executable ABAP programs
Q – 146 Difference between SY-TABIX and SY-INDEX? Where it is used? Can you check SY-SUBRC after perform?
Ans- SY-TABIX – Current line of an internal table. SY-TABIX is set by the statements below, but only for index tables. The field is either not set or is set to 0 for hashed tables.* APPEND sets SY-TABIX to the index of the last line of the table, that is, it contains the overall number of entries in the table.* COLLECT sets SY-TABIX to the index of the existing or inserted line in the table.
If the table has the type HASHED TABLE, SY-TABIX is set to 0.* LOOP AT sets SY-TABIX to the index of the current line at the beginning of each loop lass. At the end of the loop, SY-TABIX is reset to the value that it had before entering the loop. It is set to 0 if the table has the type HASHED TABLE.*
READ TABLE sets SY-TABIX to the index of the table line read. If you use a binary search, and the system does not find a line, SY-TABIX contains the total number of lines, or one more than the total number of lines. SY-INDEX is undefined if a linear search fails to return an entry.*
SEARCH FOR sets SY-TABIX to the index of the table line in which the search string is found.SY_INDEX – In a DO or WHILE loop, SY-INDEX contains the number of loop passes including the current pass.
Q – 147 What is SAP Script? What is the purpose of SAP Script? Difference between SAP Script and Report?
Ans- SAP Script – It is the integrated text management system of the SAP R/3 System. Two types – PC Editor & Line Editor.Reports – It is the way to display data fetched from database table onto screen or directly output it to a printer. Two types – Classical and Interactive.
Q – 148 What are the system fields? Explain?
Ans- The ABAP system fields are active in all ABAP programs. They are filled by the runtime environment, and you can query their values in a program to find out particular states of the system. Although they are variables, you should not assign your own values to them, since this may overwrite information that is important for the normal running of the program.
However, there are some isolated cases in which you may need to overwrite a system variable. For example, by assigning a new value to the field SY-LSIND, you can control navigation within details lists.
Q – 149 What are the various types of selection screen event?
Q – 150 What are standard layouts sets in the SAP Script?
Ans- There are four standard layouts in the SAP Script:
1) Header
2) Logo
3) Main Window
4) Footer
Q – 151 What is sequence of event triggered in report?
Ans- There are 6 events in report:
1) Initialization
2) At Selection-Screen
3) Start-of-Selection
4) Get
5) Get Late
6) End-of-Selection
7) Top-of-Page
8) End-of-Page
9) At Line Selection
10) At User Command
11) At PF (nn)
Q – 152 What are the different functions used in sap script? What are the parameters used in each Function?
Ans- There are three different functions used in SAP Script:
3) CLOSE_FORMParameters in Each Function:
1) OPEN_FORM-Exporting
2) WRITE_FORM-Exporting
Q – 153 What is step-loop? Explain all the steps?
Ans- A step loop is a repeated series of field-blocks in a screen. Each block can contain one or more fields, and can extend over more than one line on the screen.Step loops as structures in a screen do not have individual names. The screen can contain more than one step-loop, but if so, you must program the LOOP…ENDLOOPs in the flow logic accordingly.
The ordering of the LOOP…ENDLOOPs must exactly parallel the order of the step loops in the screen. The ordering tells the system which loop processing to apply to which loop. Step loops in a screen are ordered primarily by screen row, and secondarily by screen column.
Transaction TZ61 (development class SDWA) implements a step loop version of the table you saw in transaction TZ60.Static and Dynamic Step LoopsStep loops fall into two classes: static and dynamic. Static step loops have a fixed size that cannot be changed at runtime.
Dynamic step loops are variable in size. If the user re-sizes the window, the system automatically increases or decreases the number of step loop blocks displayed. In any given screen, you can define any number of static step loops, but only a single dynamic one.You specify the class for a step loop in the Screen Painter.
Each loop in a screen has the attributes Looptype (fixed=static, variable=dynamic) and Loopcount. If a loop is fixed, the Loopcount tells the number of loop-blocks displayed for the loop. This number can never change.Programming with static and dynamic step loops is essentially the same.
You can use both the LOOP and LOOP AT statements for both types.Looping in a Step LoopWhen you use LOOP AT with a step loop, the system automatically displays the step loop with vertical scroll bars. The scroll bars, and the updated (scrolled) table display, are managed by the system.Use the following additional parameters if desired:* FROM and TO * CURSOR
Q – 154 Can you print decimals in type N? What is difference between float and packed data type?
Ans- No, we cannot print decimals in type N because decimal places are not permitted with Ndata type.Float Data Type: It cannot be declared in Parameters.Packed Number: It can be declared in Parameters. For e.g.PARAMETERS : A(4) TYPE P DECIMALS 2,B(4) TYPE P DECIMALS 2.DATA : C(4) TYPE P DECIMALS 2.C = A + B.WRITE : / ‘THE SUM IS’ , C.
Q – 155 What is view? Different types of view. Explain?
Ans- View – A view is a virtual table containing fields from one or more tables. A virtual table that does not contain any data, but instead provides an application-oriented view of one or more ABAP Dictionary tables.Different Types of View:
1) Maintenance
2) Database – It is on more than two tables.
3) Projection – It is only on one table.
4) Help
Q – 156 Difference between domain and data element? What are aggregate object?
Ans- Domain – Specifies the technical attributes of a data element – its data type, length, possible values, and appearance on the screen. Each data element has an underlying domain. A single domain can be the basis for several data elements. Domains are objects in the ABAP Dictionary.Data Element – Describes the business function of a table field.
Its technical attributes are based on a domain, and its business function is described by its field labels and documentation.Aggregate Object – Views, Match Code and Lock objects are called aggregate objects because they are formed from several related table.
Q – 157 What Function does data dictionary perform?
Ans- Central information repository for application and system data. The ABAP Dictionary contains data definitions (metadata) that allow you to describe all of the data structures in the system (like tables, views, and data types) in one place. This eliminates redundancy.
Q – 158 What is Function group? Difference between function group and function module?
Ans- Function Groups act as containers for Function Modules that logically belong together.Function Groups
1) These cannot be defined in a Function Module.
2) It cannot be called.
3) They are containers for Function Module.Function Modules
1) These must be defined in a Function Group.
2) It can be called from any program.
3) They are not containers for Function Group.
Q – 159 What are the contents in technical specifications?
Ans- There are five contents in Technical Settings: Data Class, Size Category, Buffering Permission, Buffering Type and Logging.
Q – 160 What is SAP R/3?
Ans- SAP R/3 refers to Systems Application and Product for data processing Real-time having a 3 tier architecture i.e. Presentation layer, Application layer and Database layer.
Q – 161 What is an ABAP instance?
Ans- When you call a function module, an instance of its function group plus its data, is loaded into the memory area of the internal session. An ABAP program can load several instances by calling function modules from different function groups.